"I made it probably about a 1/2 mile when I came across a straight-up wooden staircase leading up probably 20 or so steps. The staircase was slick, sanded, and polished wood."
I received the following account in response to a previous post:
"Back in 2010, I was participating in a field training exercise with the US Marine Corps in an undisclosed location. I was about 3/5 days into the OP, and I became separated from my squad in a wooded environment. I was maybe 10 minutes into cleaning my rifle while sitting on a tree stump when I heard movement in the distance. I didn’t have good visibility (it was dusk), so I decided to investigate the noise, thinking it was my squad.
I made it probably about a 1/2 mile when I came across a straight-up wooden staircase leading up probably 20 or so steps. The staircase was slick, sanded, and polished wood. it looked like something you would see in a home improvement magazine. The width of the staircase was no more than 5 feet, and there was a pencil-drawn symbol on the first step. I don’t remember all the details of the symbol, but I know it was a tall tree with a winged figure standing at the base of the tree and a bunch of odd patterns drawn towards the top. I wasn’t creeped out or weirded out by it, I felt especially peaceful (which I noticed at the moment).
I decided to walk up the stairs out of curiosity. I made it a little over halfway when all of a sudden (with a small transition) it started raining, it became very cold, and the sky got dark, which was very odd because the location I was in was particularly sunny and hot that day. As I continued up the steps I began to feel uneasy. It wasn’t a scared uneasy, just an abnormal feeling. Of course, I continued to the top. When I reached the top, I sat down facing towards the bottom of the stairs. and this is when it gets weird and hard to believe.
The trees that were green before I came up the stairs, had all turned gray and withered-like. I noticed a large rock that I had passed just before the stairs was also no longer there. Shortly after, a strange, harsh, smoky sort of smell came about. I remember nothing after that, I guess I ended up passing out and woke up in the back of a Humvee on the way to a hospital due to heat exhaustion. I actually had no idea any of this even happened until a day or two after the fact because my memory had gone.
That’s all for my story. I’ve told a couple but no one tends to believe. No one of the OP had seen the stairs when they found me, and it wasn’t raining. I wasn’t even wet." N