; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Witness Experienced UNEXPLAINED 'TIME SHIFT' in Family's Wisconsin Woods

"All the logging equipment and the clothing the men were wearing looked extremely outdated. Now that he thinks back to it, he says it was at least 50 years or more behind."

I received the following account:

"My dad told me this story several times with the context of a weird, cool event that happened to him when he was 10 in the late 1970s as if he was “time traveling.” As I got older though, this story started to really terrify me, especially since I used to go into these same Marquette County, Wisconsin woods often to play growing up.

His story starts off with him doing the normal thing he did sometimes as a 10-year-old boy might do, going up to the family forest to play on the outskirts. Mind you, this entire area spanned over 65 acres that we own, but overall, it spans miles.

He said it was a normal day and nothing was out of the ordinary until he got about halfway through the field towards the woods. He looked into the entryway of the woods and heard multiple men’s voices coming from inside. My grandfather used to be a farmer, so my dad thought that it may have been him doing something with his uncles. Being curious as kids are, he runs over to the woods to investigate. There, he walks into the woods until he comes across an entire logging crew clearing the trees! He said it was nothing like he had ever seen before, as the men working were completely ignoring him and doing their work as if he was invisible. The other strange thing was the fact that all the logging equipment and the clothing the men were wearing looked extremely outdated. Now that he thinks back to it, he says it was at least 50 years or more behind.

He starts walking through the area and trying to ask the men where they came from and who they were. One man finally notices my dad, squats down to him, and says, “What are you doing here, kid? You need to go back home.” My dad, very confused, agrees to follow the man back the the edge of the woods. They wave goodbye, and my dad starts walking back home. He says all he can remember after that is starting to walk back, but waking up in a small inclined area in the woods, and the sun was now setting. He had been gone for nearly 2 hours according to his mom, to which she had been yelling and calling for him for hours to get back inside before dark, and she was getting really worried, as he only normally stayed gone playing up there for only about an hour tops. The weird thing was, he said it only felt like he was gone for about 15 minutes tops. He also never took naps or fell asleep outside like that, and it’s never happened since.

For some reason, he never felt the need to bring up what he saw to my grandmother. I still don’t understand why he never did, and he to this day doesn’t really know why he didn’t either. He said when he got home, it was like he couldn’t really speak at all, and he was incredibly drained. As the next few days went by, he told himself that it probably was real and that his dad probably hired people to clear out the woods for lumber selling.

When he returned the following week, he said things got really weird. It was as if the men were never there at all. The trees weren’t cut, and there were no tire marks. For some unknown reason, he still didn’t bring it up to his folks.

Years later as an adult in his 30s, he sat down with my grandfather one day over lunch, and somehow getting on the topic, my dad wanted to ask him a few questions. By this point, my dad was convinced he either had a very weird dream and really did pass out, or he had traveled back in time. To be honest, up to this point, he really did think of it as a possible strange dream, until my grandfather answered a few of his questions.

He asked my grandfather questions about the property itself, and how many times it had been logged, among other things involving logging. He said the biggest thing that stuck out was that my grandfather told him that about 30 or 40 years before my dad was born, his family had hired a logging company to clear the area to sell lumber. Nothing super eventful about it, but it matched the period of everything he saw perfectly.

Thinking back to my own childhood, there were so many times that I went exploring by myself or with my dogs in those same woods. The strangest thing I think that ever happened to me was that I would occasionally hear men yelling construction talk, but I always just thought it was our neighbors on the outskirts of the forest. It sort of sends a chill up my spine thinking about it now. I also found barbed wire fences meshed into the trees, horseshoes, and old tools from where it used to be farmland, as well as interestingly shaped natural streams (which weirdly enough do look like stairs lol). There are tons of natural cave systems on our property as well, and I’ve managed to find one where one of the streams flows underground. It’s a really cool forest, and quite beautiful, but some really creepy areas are just completely empty of any plant life including weeds, even though it’s been untouched for decades." T



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