"We both noticed, at the very same time, a very odd-looking man sitting on a small table, reading a newspaper. He had one leg crossed over the other at a right angle with his arms outstretched."
I received the following account:
“Something happened to myself and my boyfriend at the time (2016) in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. We were in a mall before work - in the very early morning hours when they had just opened and we walked into a store. We both noticed, at the very same time, a very odd-looking man sitting on a small table, reading a newspaper. He had one leg crossed over the other at a right angle with his arms outstretched, holding this newspaper and a small smug smile on his face, but there was something very, very wrong about him. He had a baseball cap on over hair that looked like a wig and mirrored sunglasses, but even so, we could both tell that his facial features were not normal, in that beyond the thin, smug smile, that never moved, never changed, there were no other discernible features - no freckles, no wrinkles, no pores, no nothing. His entire posture was all wrong and unnatural and he did not move even in the slightest as we walked by. He was also oddly dressed - it was an incredibly hot summer day and he was dressed in long heavy pants and a flannel long sleeve, buttoned right to the top. My boyfriend and I actually turned to one another at the same time as we passed this man and entered the store we simultaneously commented on the oddness of this fellow.
My boyfriend at the time said something like "Did you see that guy? What the @#$^! was that?" Meanwhile, I was saying "That guy looks like a mannequin!" We then both turned around to look at him again together and he was completely gone.
We exited the store immediately and looked all around, but the mannequin man was nowhere. For the rest of the day, we laughed about how mannequin man's experimental day out "blending in" with us humans hadn't gotten off to a good start and it would be back to the drawing board for the aliens or what have you. The thing about it is that for the entire duration of this encounter, it was as if everything in my body, mind and soul was screaming at me that something was very much not right and that this was something unique. If you've ever had that feeling, you know what I mean - it's a pure and primal instinct.” A