; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

'UPRIGHT WOLF / DOGMAN' Reported at Undisclosed Missouri Residence (PHOTOS)

I received the following report from cryptid researcher & investigator Carter Buschardt from SQ Explorer about a recent sighting of a cryptid canine in Missouri. Carter is also a member of the Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team.

"The witness reported seeing an “upright wolf” (Dogman) walking around his greenhouse in broad daylight around 3:30 pm. The being left claw marks of approximately 6-10 inches on the plastic of the greenhouse with some puncturing it and tearing it as well. In the one short moment he wasn’t hiding behind some plants in the greenhouse, he saw the Dogman take its fingers and slowly poke the claws through just a tiny bit, then withdraw its hand. He said it seemed like it had never seen or touched plastic before. It was weird. Photo attached.

The witness stated, "The being's height was estimated at a minimum of 6-7 feet and perhaps as tall as 8 feet standing on its hind legs. And yes, it had the “back-assward dog legs” mentioned again below. It was black and massive. He did not get a great physical appearance, as he had the snot scared out of him and he was concerned about self-preservation while intermittently hiding behind plants. 

It had patchy fur like it may have had mange. Skinny lower body and much larger upper body. Long ears. Walked with a strange strut. It looked briefly at me and then walked towards the neighbor's field. It made strange sounds which made me feel like I was in a horror movie. It sent chills down my arms and back. I knew not to follow it. When it left, I left. 

On the ground a few feet away was a possum that had been torn to shreds. It wasn’t there earlier.

I heard stories about them. But that was the first time I saw one. I noticed my Bigfoot friends haven't been around hardly at all since I saw it. It alarmed us in the house as well. It howled which made the inside dogs howl."

Also reported at a nearby cave system, stacks of bones of baby hogs were found neatly stacked just inside the mouth of the cave. Multiple people reported the classic "back assward dog legs" as they put it. There is a massive hog operation nearby and they have long had issues with missing baby hogs, and there is mining as well, with even more cave systems very close by. 

This habituation family has been featured in my books. They have ongoing Sasquatch activity and see them regularly. I have visited the property twice. The family member who reported this story is the one who had a juvenile run past him through an open door, brushing up against him as it ran by. It had been caught rummaging around in one of the greenhouses in the wee hours. In the attached photo of the hole pokes, you can see the five hole pokes that were done with the fingers sort of bunched together and right below that are four smaller hole pokes that he did not see get made, but there they are. If you look at the witness's hand by the claw tear really close, you can see the initial poke hole before it tore the plastic. It matches exactly the other poke holes, just smaller. 

These are great salt-of-the-earth experiencers as honest as they come. I note he mentions his Sasquatch friends have not been around lately, and that may or may not be a related result of the Dogman appearance. Keep in mind this is a human interpretation of a highly frightening situation with a mostly unknown being. I do hope to get more updates after there is a calming down period needed before discussions continue. Thanks for reading." Carter Buschardt

Carter's books can be purchased at his website 



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Thanks. Lon


If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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Thanks. Lon

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