"Then a bright light showed through the window. From the hall, our dog entered the room and collapsed in the light. I tried to wake my wife but found myself unable to move or speak."
I received the following account:
"Lon, my twin boys were about 8 years old when we got them a Dalmatian puppy for Christmas. One day, when they were 10 years old, while walking their puppy the boys disappeared for several hours. I searched the neighborhood, but couldn't find them. Just as we were beginning to panic, they returned home. We scolded them for being late, but they insisted they'd only walked to the corner when a large saucer-shaped aircraft had appeared above them, and they decided to return home. They thought they'd been gone only 10 minutes.
I had them draw what they'd seen. They both drew saucer-shaped craft which they described as the size of a football field. The craft had hovered above them for a moment when the front of the craft began to glow and it accelerated, disappearing beyond the horizon. We didn't know what to think. Our boys weren't prone to making up elaborate stories. Where had they been?
12 years later we had our first grandson. The first time he spent the night at our place, I had my first and only case of sleep paralysis. I awoke to the throbbing sound of what I thought was a helicopter just outside our bedroom window. Then a bright light showed through the window. From the hall, our dog entered the room and collapsed in the light. I tried to wake my wife but found myself unable to move or speak. I tried to keep my eyes open, but could not. Upon waking the next morning, I asked my wife if she'd heard the sound. She had not. I told her of my experience, and we both decided it must have been a dream.
My wife got up to make breakfast and check on our grandson. A minute later she returned with the sheet from our bed which she'd found on the kitchen floor. Somehow the sheet had been stripped off the bed from under the covers which were still on our bed. Neither of us had awakened during what must have been a struggle. I keep my arms above the sheet, and my wife tucks the corners.
I still do not have any other recollection from that night." J
NOTE: It is not unusual for an abduction event to be suppressed by the experiencer until many years or decades later. Interesting account. Lon