Reader Information

Friday, March 21, 2025


"As I turned around, what I saw sent a shiver down my spine like I had never had before. They had what looked like long red hair all over their body, except what appeared to be the female."

I received the following account:

“It was the summer of 1970, I was 23 years old, and I had no idea what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, so I hooked up with a military buddy of mine and we set out on a road trip from Chicago, Illinois to Victorville, California. My friend's mom, dad, and sister lived in Marysville, Washington, so we decided to head there first. It was on the way "sort of". Anyway, after a great "trip" through the Rockies, we ended up in San Francisco right in the middle of the flower power explosion, and after much discussion and lots of mind-expanding substances, we decided to resume our 'trip" to his home up north.

When we arrived at his parent's home I was introduced to his mom and dad and when his sister came home about thirty minutes later I was absolutely floored. She was the most gorgeous hunk of womanhood I had ever laid my eyes on and when our eyes met it was all over, I had fallen hopelessly in love. Well over the next two weeks, we were inseparable. Then one evening she came home and asked us if we wanted to go to a party out in the woods, all her friends were going, and there would be a keg of beer and lots of other goodies as well. Well, it didn't take much persuading. We said, 'Let's go!' We followed them on an old logging road out in the middle of the forest. The road turned sharply to the right and at the elbow was a kinda turn out that was just right to park all the cars and trucks. I take it they had done this many times before.

They set up the keg on the rear of one of the trucks, and the party began. Well after about two hours I ended up back in my friend's car, having lost the love of my life somewhere in the crowd. All for the better for I was having a hard time standing anyway. Then all of a sudden we hear people screaming and yelling. It sounded like they were yelling something like 'stick Indians.' Well, my friend and I looked at each other and both said at the same time, 'WTF are stick Indians?' Now we were parked facing the way we came in on this road, so we had to look back over our shoulder to see what the hell was going on behind us. People were jumping in their cars and peeling out down the only other way out, including the guy with the beer keg on the back, which went tumbling off as he roared out of there. My friend was tapping me on the shoulder trying to get my attention, yelling, 'Look man, look!' And as I turned around, what I saw sent a shiver down my spine like I had never had before. There about 50 feet down the road were three creatures just standing in the middle of the road, one was maybe 3 to 4 feet tall, another one was 5 to 6 feet tall and the end one had to be at least 7 feet or more tall. They had what looked like long red hair all over their body, except what appeared to be the female. Her breasts and abdomen were bare which only became apparent as they moved closer. Their skin pigment was kinda grayish.

Well after the shock wore off my friend tried to start the car, but as luck would have it, it just cranked and cranked. It finally started. As he turned the car around, I noticed that the big one had something in his hand, It looked like, well, maybe, a "big stick". Now if this was just some kinda joke or prank they were pulling on a couple of 'flat landers' they spared no expense and were the best of actors. Not to mention the costumes were as good as anything Hollywood could do today, much less in 1970. Now I know what you all are thinking, these guys were just higher than a kite and hallucinated the whole thing. Well, I admit it, "yes" I was more than a little high, but dammit, I know what I saw. There's more to this story but I don't have time now to tell it. If anyone out there has any info on what or who 'stick Indians' are please contact me I would be so grateful.” R

NOTE: I found this description of Tsiatko or 'Stick Indians' at Legendary Native American Figures: Stick Indians and Tsiatko: The Story Of The Stick Indians. Lon



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Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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