"The form of them was vaguely humanoid in shape, each probably about 6 feet tall, and seemed to be made of rays of light."
I received the following account:
"In December 2012, I was living in a halfway house on the west side of Shreveport, Louisiana. It was a 5 bedroom house, and I had several roommates. One night, one of my roommates came in from outside, visibly shaken, and confided in me that there was "something out in the woods...and it's not human!" I asked him what he meant, and he said he'd been outside smoking a cigarette and using his phone (which was brand new, by the way, the latest Samsung Galaxy at the time, bought earlier the same day) when his phone had randomly popped up a strange "text-prediction-style" string of words and characters, right before his phone powered itself off. He said that he'd read something along the lines of "I am a very different beautiful creature from" followed by a string of characters he couldn't make sense of. He said it was then that he saw something strange in the woods, got scared, and came inside.
To be honest, I thought it was a prank, and I didn't even go outside that night to look. I just said something like "OK good, you made it inside, you're safe, get some sleep, we've got work in the morning", and we did. The next morning, he complained that his phone wouldn't turn on anymore and that he'd have to go by the store and get it replaced.
The following weekend, I was in my bedroom at night when I observed, out the window, what I first thought was 2 or 3 people with flashlights, in the woods behind the house. I went through the living room, and asked the 5 or so roommates watching TV if any of them was expecting company because someone was coming up the path (we weren't allowed company, so we would have our visitors park at the next place over and walk the path, which was prominent even at night, and going through about 40 yards of pine thicket). Everyone said they weren't, so I went out to investigate. When I got outside, I was able to see more lights in the woods, way off the path, and I realized that even though these lights were moving as if they were walking back and forth, I didn't hear any sound. I observed the lights from a distance at first and gradually moved closer.
The way they were moving reminded me of people looking for something dropped in the woods, except the number of them and their individual locations were changing almost constantly. I saw everywhere between 1 and about 9 of them, repeatedly and without. The form of them was vaguely humanoid in shape, each probably about 6 feet tall, and seemed to be made of rays of light. They reminded me of the streaks of light people normally see when looking towards a light at night. I observed them for about 30 minutes and made several attempts to walk out and investigate more closely, but each time, when I'd get to the edge of the yard where the woods were, they would move towards me and I experienced feelings of fear and panic that made me retreat back to the yard and near the house. After a while, they seemed to stop reappearing after their individual disappearances, until they were all gone.
Later, my roommate told me that what I'd seen were the same things he'd seen the week before, which had somehow interacted with his phone and caused it to break. J