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Sunday, March 09, 2025

TALL, DARK GREY/BROWNISH 'ALIEN HUMANOID' Encountered in the Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia

"Its skin was dark grey or brownish. It had a horrifically large head with huge black eyes. I couldn't see a mouth or anything. Its arms and legs were really long."

The following account was forwarded to me:

"I frequently go bushwalking all throughout the Blue Mountains (New South Wales, Australia) and have done since I was a kid with my dad. Sometimes for shorter walks, I go alone. Yeah, that could be dangerous, and as a woman, I could have added risk of being attacked or whatever. But I carry a couple of knives with me so I don't really feel threatened. And always bring a satellite phone. I just love and crave that feeling of being entirely surrounded by the bush.

Anyway, around 12 years ago I thought it would be a good idea to do an overnighter walk by myself. Bad idea. The walk was fine, 3 or 4 groups of people came by the other way on the first day. Picked a little area to stay overnight near dusk. Cut a few ferns back and I had a space to stick my little one-person tent. I was maybe 30 metres from the track, mostly out of sight behind trees and such.

The usual wildlife noises were going on as I drifted to sleep, though there was a strange noise - I can only describe it as a "bounding" sound. Like somebody was sprinting through the bush right past me. But it went by WAY too fast with too few steps to carry a person that distance. Also if you've ever seen the bush in this part of Australia you'd know there isn't much "space" on the ground to walk freely if you're off the track. You have to at least wade through bushes/ferns etc. So you can't exactly sprint full speed without eating dirt and debris. I felt a bit uneasy but thought it was probably just stuff falling from a tree or whatever.

The next morning I had breakfast, packed up my things, and kept going along the track. Passed a couple of people going the other way, then was alone again for maybe half an hour. Then I heard the sound of a stick being broken (like from someone stepping on it). The sound came from behind me and to my left, away from the track. I turned around to look and nearly died on my feet.

A fair distance into the bush was something standing there and looking directly at me. I wanted to believe it was a person but it wasn't. I can't judge the exact height but it was obviously very tall, I'd guess 9 feet. Its skin was dark grey or brownish. It had a horrifically large head with huge black eyes. I couldn't see a mouth or anything. Its arms and legs were really long.

I was almost crying, tears welled up in my eyes. Completely frozen, staring at this creature, it was like my legs were locked in position. The longer the stare went on between me and the creature I had this ever-heightening feeling of absolute dread, like nothing I'd ever felt before. The fear built up until I could see my heartbeat in veins in my vision, and I suddenly bolted. I SPRINTED away, continuing on the track. I ran and ran and was too scared to look behind me. Tears were streaming from my eyes as I was running away. I didn't stop until I actually caught up with some people going in the same direction as me.

They looked at me and were saying "Oh my god, are you alright?" I was exhausted from running so hard for so long. I told them I saw "something" in the bush and asked if I could walk with them the rest of the way.

It took me 6 months but I did start bushwalking again, but I never go alone these days. You couldn't pay me to do it." B



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Thanks. Lon


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Thanks. Lon

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