I was sitting on a bench in an unknown room with one young adult male. The room was constructed of white-colored metal with benches. How did I get there?
I received the following account:
"I experienced a strange event in the summer of 1970. I was 18 years old and lived on a farm with my parents, grandparents, and siblings. We lived near the town of Geneseo, Illinois. Our house was almost completely surrounded by woods.
One night, at about 2 AM, I awoke and became aware that I was not in bed in the basement of the house. But rather I was sitting on a bench in an unknown room with one young adult male. The room was constructed of white-colored metal with benches. There was a door in the room and on either side of the door were windows from which I could see a passageway going to the left and right. The other person in the room with me sat on the bench to the left side of the door and completely ignored me even when I shook him and tried to get him to look at me. He just sat on the bench with his elbows on his knees gazing downward between his legs at the floor. He was oblivious to me. I tried to open the door but it was locked and I got up on the bench to the right side of the door and leaned against the glass trying to see something. It was just an empty passageway. The room was brightly lit, but no source of light was noticed.
I again tried to get the man in the room to pay attention to me and help me understand what was happening, but still, he just sat there. I looked up at the window and saw a bizarre 'creature' about 6 feet tall, covered with reddish-colored long hair, but the face looked human-like. It did not pay any attention to us in the room, slowly walking by the window. I was very scared. I jumped onto the bench and then beat on the plexiglass and screamed. The being just kept walking by. That was the last thing I remember.
I woke up in my bed at about 5:30 AM when it was time to go do my chores. I did notice red contusions on the palms of my hands and my arms were very sore for days. Did this really happen to me?
I never told my parents or anyone else because I was sure that they would not believe me. I have never had another incident like this that I can recall." A
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