"A predator was attacking these cows. But after that, there was a noise I heard that I'd never heard any animal make. It was a loud, deep, howling sound."
I received the following account:
"In July 2017, we were camping in Sequoia National Forest, California and our campground was about as secluded as it gets. Just to reach it you had to go on a treacherous one-way dirt road (if you could call it that) for over an hour. We arrived in the afternoon to find the campground only had two other inhabitants, the campground host and an older lady with a little dog. We set everything up, cooked some dinner, and settled in to get some rest as the sun went down. Throughout the night we would be awakened here and there by sounds, nothing out of the ordinary for camping in the middle of the dense woods, just things like branches snapping and things moving in the trees.
Around 11 PM we heard something going through the bolted trash cans around the campground (there were no bear bins here). Knowing we were in bear country I beeped my car a few times to try and scare off whatever curious creature was digging in there. This happened a few times, whatever it was kept coming back. As the night went on things got more and more strange.
A meadow about 100 yards from where our tent was that was populated by a few cattle earlier that day was some kind of scene for something terrible going down. We heard the sounds of cows screaming bloody murder like they were being torn apart. My initial thought was "It's a bear/cougar/pack of coyotes." Some kind of predator was attacking these cows, it was obvious they were in great distress. But after that, there was a noise I heard that I'd never heard any animal make. It was a loud, deep, howling sound. Almost like a portamento where it starts off low and rises higher and higher in pitch. It was so loud that I could feel it in my chest vibrating. Needless to say, we were all pretty freaked.
It didn't stop there, along with the sounds of dying cows we also heard things like massive branches being torn off the trees around us, something knocking against the trees (like with a rock or a stick), and at one point something big was walking around our camp. When we stuck a flashlight to the window in the tent something massive went running by our tent, shaking the ground as it ran, and it was fast. Eventually, all this commotion died down, but not before that howl/shriek let out again, this time further away into the woods. Of course, I didn't sleep at all that night. I anxiously waited for the sun to rise before I inspected the campground.
Even though we had heard trash being ripped and bottles clanking together, the trash cans were not knocked over, and they were still chained shut, which we thought was odd, because a bear surely would've made more of a mess. We searched for bear or cougar tracks, and the only thing we found were human-looking tracks. Like bare human feet, maybe a little bigger than normal size (not like those huge Bigfoot tracks people have casts of). I will say I am far from a conspiracy theorist, I'm a huge skeptic. The thought of Bigfoot I have always laughed off and made fun of, but this was freaking me out.
The older lady who was in the campground next to us? She booked it out of there early in the morning, leaving in a hurry. As the day went on, the prospect of spending another night there, now being the only campers present, became less and less appealing. We packed up quick before the sun got too low and got out of there.
On the way home, while discussing what had happened, my girlfriend pulled up various "Sasquatch sounds" recorded on YouTube. Some were ridiculous, but one (I believe recorded in Ohio?) sounded identical to what we heard. Let's just say I'm a little less skeptical now than I used to be." G