"I noticed like 8 or 9 guys, like, you know, in suits and like a black jacket and black pants, like a dress type suit and pants and they were all dressed the same."
I received the following account:
“I experienced a situation back in the 1970s when I was a lot younger and I was with an older man, a friend, and some other people I knew - his son and daughter. And we took a little trip up to the Portland, Oregon area, and, at that time, I didn't know what I was going to experience and we stopped off at the back of some building in that area. I'm not sure exactly where but what happened was, we all got out of the car and walked up the back end of this large building. We went into the rear end of this place and saw rows and rows of these metal little chairs for people to sit on and there were about 100 people in front of us. It was a long building inside. It was at night.
So, anyway, and we sat down, looked around, we didn't know who was in front of us. And I noticed like 8 or 9 guys, like, you know, in suits and like a black jacket and black pants, like a dress type suit and pants and they were all dressed the same. I asked, 'What was this?' I didn't know what was going on. 'Are these FBI guys or what?' So I sat for a little bit, I didn't want to take too much time. It was almost midnight so I proceeded to go by myself and leave the three people I was with and walked on up to right where those few fellows were all standing. I stood next to the end one on the left side and there was a whole row of them all together on the right.
So they were all together and I stood there for a little bit and I just had this odd feeling and out of my side vision, or peripheral vision or side vision, whatever, there was just something odd about this guy I was standing next to. And then the color, I could tell there was something wrong with the color of the skin on his face. I thought maybe this guy's been in a fire or something. There was something wrong with this situation and I kept looking forward. I kept looking straight ahead. And, plus, these guys were all really tall – unusually tall. So I eventually decided to go ahead and turn my head and look at this person and to my shock I noticed the side of his neck had this grey color. It wasn't natural skin color. It wasn't green. He had, like small scales on his skin and it was just really odd. I turned to look up at his face because he was a lot taller than me, about 7 feet tall, and I was looking at him, at the lower part of his neck.
I looked up at his face, or the side of his head, and he was looking straight ahead and not looking at me at first then as he started to turn his head. It would move in segments, little movements at a time, and each time his face would move, it would become invisible, his face, so it would almost become translucent. It was odd. Only his head. Of course, he was wearing clothes. Anyway, suddenly, he tilted his head and looked at me with a look that he wasn't too happy with me, you know, looking at him directly. I’m looking into a face like what they call a reptilian but not a green-skinned one. From what I know about Men In Black, what I see on TV, they never look like a reptilian-like creature, you know.
This one never spoke to me. I was scared to death after I saw what it was. I wondered if it had claws, you know, and I thought I was standing too close to it and I didn't want it to. I was standing right next to it and it was bigger than me. When I looked at it, it had gold eyes, big red-gold eyes and it had an unusual face, the mouth, nose, the front of its face was really unusual. It was more of a reptile-like thing and the nose was really something. It was really flat kind of looking. Just really bizarre and its eyes were big and they were gold, beautiful gold, but with a vertical slit. The eye had a pupil like a cat or an alligator. I just started walking ahead of it. I just didn't want it standing next to me any longer and eventually, I just went back to the people I was with. And I asked can you see those guys up there? Can you see those guys in the suits, they all said yes they could. I wasn't imagining it. They kept saying, Yes, they could see them.” G