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Friday, March 14, 2025

Reno, Nevada Experiencer Still Affected by 1983 GREY ALIEN ABDUCTION

"I am traumatized to this day by what happened. I can hardly ride in a car as a passenger without flashbacks of complete horror and terror. I know I have been visited before and abducted."

I received the following account:

Before Recall:

"Driving home early morning at 1:30 am or so. It was in December 1983. Going very slowly on McCarran Blvd in Reno, Nevada. Car did a 360 on black ice, we were going very slowly, and my friend was learning to drive in ice like this. We came to a stop in the middle of the 2 lanes (one way had 2 lanes each). We saw two blue saucers/discs darting around in the sky. We had no conversation about it but just looked. I knew/felt they recognized me and it occurred to me they would come. Unbelievably, they both darted down and landed very fast in the empty lot beside us where Raley's and a shopping center are now. At the time there was a large depression/hole in the lot. I started to say that I wanted to go over and look but I was much too frightened and shaking. My state was of complete terror with heavy breathing. I heard both car doors click closed very quietly. I noticed the car was neatly parked on the side of the street, instead of in the middle of the lanes. She just drove me home and we didn't talk about it. When she dropped me off it was about 4:30 am and I asked if she would be home in time to which she replied yes, her husband was watching the children and when she got home, she would take over for him to go to work. Every time I tried to pay attention to the time, in the days ahead I couldn't think further about it. This was to the point where I couldn't put it together that I should have been home at 2:00 am -- at the latest, not 4:30 am. Every time I tried to speak to her about the blue discs darting around, she would get mad at me and not speak about it.

After Recall:

I was listening everyday, many times a day, to weight loss hypnosis CDs. Then, one day, suddenly I had to recall the event. I had said to my friend that I wanted to go and take a look, but I was much to scared to do it. One jumped up on the car hood and windshield on my side. I said, it's too late, they are already here. I put my head down to not look at it. Telepathically, it kept telling me to look at it, to which I was resisting and saying no, keeping my head down and not looking. I heard my friend shriek in terror. There was another one that went over to her side and she saw it out the window. Telepathically, the one on the windshield in front of me told me to calm her. I took her hand and said I had been through this before and even though it was awful and scary, I could let her know that for sure, we would be ok, no matter what happened.

Finally, I succumbed to the more and more insistent demands that I look at it. I did so and it was so terrifying to look at that ugly thing and realize it had intelligence. It was all gray. I think it had gray clothing on. Its face was so ugly with hairs sticking out around the mouth I was in horror. It was a type of typical Gray. It took hold of me, mind-controlled/hypnotized at this point. The next thing I recalled was it telling me to watch my step as we walked across the uneven, dirt, and weed lot. So, I looked where I stepped. It was off to my left. I could hear my friend walking too, to the right. I looked up to see the ship. It was the basic shape, I believe it was landed and a light shining from its center, bottom to the ground. I wanted to keep track of my friend and protect her. I was hoping she would go up some stairs into the ship and I could watch her that way. So, I asked, "Where are the stairs?" The one with me was affectionate and amused by my questions and simply said "There are none." I remember some of the ships. Its interior was made of black metal with holes in it. There were different colored lights above the doors. I remember walking on the metal. I remember what appeared to be a computer room with many grays in white lab coats checking the monitors and digital readouts.

After recall I realized with telecommunication between us that possibly I could contact it telepathically, which I did. I asked why did you take me. I asked a couple of more questions. Every answer was "It's none of your business. This is outrageous."

I am traumatized to this day by what happened. I can hardly ride in a car as a passenger without flashbacks of complete horror and terror. I know I have been visited before and abducted. My art changed when I was young to only being able to draw the big black-eyed grays. I didn't know they existed then. I recall one night when a huge light was outside in my semi-rural home's driveway. I knew it was them, I was instructed telepathically or induced to lie down. I went to bed, I was alone. I remember them entering and pulling on my toe and saying, she's ready. I must have been in trance again because I didn't move, or think much more about it.

I am afraid I have been brain-chipped and I don't know what for. I have heard a radio communication from inside -- only once. I was asked "Mary turned you in because..." and then they waited for my response (telepathically) or inside my brain, it is hard to describe.

It's ok to use my story as pleased. I am sorry I have no physical proof, indeed, even a fellow abductee who will not speak of it. I want to help. You're right, if it is a secret, it can't be up to any good. I was psychologically damaged against my will. These are not ok, or good things." B



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Thanks. Lon


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Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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