; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Tuesday, March 25, 2025


STARpod.org, the public website presence for STARstream Research, posted a 72-page Defense Intelligence Agency SECRET briefing in 2010.

The DIA STAR GATE briefing document reports that paranormal "psychic vision," referred to as "remote viewing" by the Department of Defense, is, to quote from the document, "a real phenomenon."

According to the DIA SECRET document, which was declassified by the CIA a few years ago, investigations of paranormal phenomena led researchers to conclude that "an unusual mechanism may have been observed" with "significant application implications." In addition, the detection of a mechanism behind psychic vision was thought to "shed light on some foreign activities," suggesting that the Intelligence Community was monitoring progress being made in paranormal research elsewhere in the world.

Other STAR GATE documents prove that paranormal activities had been conducted across a vast swath of the government, including the CIA, DIA, the US Navy, the US Air Force, the US Army, and at least one agency that was redacted from the document.

Recently, confidential sources have come forward, suggesting the redacted agency may have been the National Security Agency (NSA). According to the sources, following the attacks of 9/11, American intelligence sought the use of psychics to locate Saddam's hideout in Iraq and to locate hidden nuclear locations in Iran.

According to the historical record found in the STAR GATE files, the Former Soviet Union (FSU) was involved with their own paranormal activities: US intelligence monitored their work, and, in some cases, attempted to reproduce their experiments.

The Missile Intelligence Agency of the U.S. Army was concerned that psychokinesis might be used by an enemy to affect sensitive electronic systems.

INSCOM, the Army's Intelligence and Security Command, used psychics to "remote view" and collect intelligence against enemy targets.

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) conducted threat assessments about foreign paranormal operations, looked into counter-psychic methods, and trained psychics to collect intelligence.

The U.S. Army Surgeon General funded research at SRI International to "document that psychoenergetic [paranormal] phenomena are real and reproducible, to determine the underlying mechanisms, and to bring psychoenergetics research into the mainstream of human performance research."

Magnetoencephalograph (MEG) brain-wave measurement research was conducted by Los Alamos National Laboratory in support of the 1990's era STAR GATE paranormal research.

Psychic spy clients included Joint Interagency Forces against suspected drug smuggling operations.

Research was eventually moved to Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), a major defense contractor.

According to the report's technical analysis:

Noting that "approximately 1 percent of the general population appears to meet strict statistical criteria for exhibiting a robust AC [psychic] ability," the report then notes that SAIC "may have discovered the source of an AC [psychic] signal."

"Recent experimental data from the former Soviet Union and similar experiments conducted in this country suggest that the peripheral nervous system may be susceptible to AMP [psychic] influence."

"The evidence for a valid information transmission anomaly (anomalous mental phenomena (AC)) [psychic functioning] meets all recognized statistical and methodological criteria. This means the anomaly cannot be explained by poor experimental design, incorrect protocols, faulty analysis, or fraud. The magnitude of this anomaly is considered to be medium- to-large when compared to other known human behaviors."

The Psychic Warriors & the CIA

Metaphysical and psychic phenomena have long existed on the fringes of conventional science and academia. ESP, clairvoyance, telekinesis, and astral traveling have all been relegated to the back seat of mainstream, accepted belief systems despite an extensive mention of these practices down the ages, across myriad cultures. It has always been challenging for practitioners of the science to be validated by the prevailing status quo.

That however changed in 1995 when the CIA declassified a top secret program that had been training individuals in the esoteric science of 'Remote Viewing' in which, it was claimed, people were able to envision ongoing activities in distant places and future events.

Remote viewing was tested and deployed under rigorous scientific conditions to obtain data about foreign espionage activities, counter terrorism efforts, secret military bases abroad and hidden missiles. It recognized the inherent psychic potential in humans and attempted to harness these special faculties or 'powers' for the purposes of intelligence gathering, often of a vital nature.

The initial testing was done at the Stanford Research Institute, where extensive investigations were carried out into the human mind's capacity to transcend all bounds of time and space. The research was supported by the CIA and other government agencies for over two decades.

Russell Targ, Hal Puthoff and Ingo Swann were the original founders of this once-secret program. Their task was to learn to understand psychic abilities, and to use these abilities to gather information about the Soviet Union during the Cold War. They found from years of experience that people can quickly learn to do remote viewing, and can frequently incorporate this direct knowing of the world (both present and future) into their lives.

The project produced some remarkable results. Among them were detailed renderings of secret Soviet bases, the whereabouts of Red Brigade terrorism hostages in Italy, the location of victims in the Israeli hostage crisis, the location of Scud missiles during the first Gulf War, etc. The program eventually came to be called 'Operation Stargate'.

The names that surfaced after the declassification of the program in 1995 were Ingo Swann, who initially helmed the project, Dr. Russell Targ, Pat Price, Dr. Hal Puthoff, Joseph McMoneagle and others. This was an interesting group comprised of respected senior military personnel, path breaking scientists and academic luminaries.

Remote viewers can often contact, experience, and describe a hidden object, or a remote natural or architectural site, based on the presence of a cooperative person at the distant location, or when given geographical coordinates, or some other target demarcation. Shape, form, and color are described much more reliably than the target's name, function, or other analytical information. In addition to vivid visual imagery, viewers sometimes describe associated feelings, sounds, smells, and even electrical or magnetic fields. Blueprint accuracy has occasionally been achieved in these double-blind experiments, and reliability in a series can be as high as 80 percent.

In 1984, Targ organized a pair of successful 10,000-mile remote-viewing experiments between Moscow and San Francisco with famed Russian healer Djuna Davitashvili. Djuna's task was to describe where a colleague would be hiding in San Francisco. She had to focus her attention ten thousand miles to the west and two hours into the future to correctly describe his location. These experiments were performed under the auspices and control of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Djuna hit the mark on all counts, and the experiment was declared a resounding success.

Ten years earlier, in 1974, Russell Targ and his colleague, Hal Puthoff, carried out a demonstration of psychic abilities for the CIA. Pat Price, a retired police commissioner, described the inside and outside of a secret Soviet weapons laboratory in the far reaches of Siberia - given only the geographical coordinates of latitude and longitude for a reference. This trial was such a stunning success that they were forced to undergo a formal Congressional investigation to determine if there had been a breach in National Security. Of course, none was ever found, and the government supported them for another fifteen years.

Data from these formal and controlled investigations were highly statistically significant (thousands of times greater than chance expectation). The twenty years of remote viewing research conducted for the CIA is outlined in ‘Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spritual Healing

Recent research in areas as different as distant healing and quantum physics are in agreement with the oldest spiritual teachings of the sages of India, who taught that "separation is an illusion." The powers we are discovering now are described by Rishis as Siddhis, or fruits of deep penance and arcane Yogic techniques, verbally transmitted, only known to inner circles.

What is remarkable however, is the fact that the cat is finally out of the bag with regard to parapsychology, metaphysics and the occult. The so-called 'mainstream' has not only recognized the stunning potential of psychic energy but has gone so far as to harness it for territorial one-upmanship. The human race only needs to realize the vast reserves of raw power that it has at its disposal to effect profound and genuine transformation of the human condition on a global scale.

NOTE: The government, military, and institutional exploitation of this phenomenon is troubling. In my mind, there is little doubt that a similar program continues to this day. It is being utilized by world governments in a game of cosmic brinkmanship. How can anyone comprehend the complete ramifications of unleashing such potentially devastating forces without first understanding the holistic nature of the universe and all that lives within it? Lon

Limitless Mind: A Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness

Tell Me What You See: Remote Viewing Cases from the World's Premier Psychic Spy

Mind Trek: Exploring Consciousness, Time, and Space Through Remote Viewing

The Seventh Sense: The Secrets of Remote Viewing as Told by a "Psychic Spy" for the U.S. Military



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If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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