"He is the only reason I know the details of the story while I was dead/unconscious. I was 17-years-old at the time. He pulled me out of the mud puddle and performed CPR on me."
I received the following account:
"Mr. Strickler. I know this story is nearly a year old but I am fairly new to the site and discovered this link while browsing. Although I do not have a multiple lightning strike experience I have been struck by lightning and nearly killed. When I was struck I went immediately unconscious. I know that I was not immediately killed because I fell into a mud puddle and my lungs filled with water. At that point, my heart stopped beating. I was not breathing and had no pulse. I was saved by an airman on the base where my father was stationed.
He is the only reason I know the details of the story while I was dead/unconscious. I was 17-years-old at the time. He pulled me out of the mud puddle and performed CPR to get me breathing and a pulse going. I awoke in the ambulance in a state of shock and was immediately sedated again.
I woke the second time in the hospital ER. I have had some supernatural experiences throughout my life although they do not overwhelm me. The occurrences are rare. I do however have a lot of incidences of Sleep Paralysis and Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs). I also seem to have some strong intuitive feelings at times which have saved my life on more than one occasion.
The main point I want to make with this post is that my Grandfather was also struck by lightning when he was a young man. He actually read his own death in the newspaper. The saddest thing about this story is that three of his brothers and sisters were killed instantly in the same incident. This was half of all of his brothers and sisters dead in an instant. They were all on the porch of the house which had a wrought iron railing around the porch. They were all talking while leaning on the railing when lightning struck the house which had a tin roof and killed them all except for my Grandfather.
I do not ever remember my Grandfather having any supernatural experiences at least that he spoke about. I know this is a little different than the stories presented on your site but I can say it might run in my family." M