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Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Milwaukee Bar Infested by DEMONS & SPECTERS!

"To his horror, he opened the door and he was greeted by a demon wearing all black with piercing glowing eyes holding a chain in his hand. The chain was connected to two hounds of hell."

The following account was forwarded to me by my friends & colleagues Kyle & Cam at Expanded Perspectives:

"My grandfather was a bar owner in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1986 and had been for a while as he was raising my father. This story has always had me thinking since it was told to me. Extraordinary things would happen at this bar that could not be explained. The bar had 2 levels, a cramped old tavern on the main floor, and the other floor where my grandparents and father lived.

This first account was from my dad's point of view. He said that he was leaving his room to go downstairs when suddenly he spotted an unknown tall man wearing a long overcoat and a tophat already walking downstairs. This was before the bar had opened to the public for the night. My dad, who was 8 years old at the time, followed the man downstairs. He was walking through the lobby and started towards the backside of the bar. He made it around to the back and ducked down out of view as if he were going to grab a bottle of liquor. My dad walked around to see what he was grabbing and he was gone. No logical explanation could explain it. 

Other odd things would also happen. Some mornings, they would wake up and head downstairs, and the bar would be completely trashed. It looked like a vandal had broken in, smashed beer bottles, and thrown all of the barstools across the room. They immediately checked all of the doors and windows, and they were all still locked and secure.

Other things, like bangs and voices, were also very common in the middle of the night. However, this last account, from my grandfather, was the most horrifying one yet.

My grandfather was a first-generation American-Italian man who was very no-nonsense and did not believe in the paranormal until this had happened. He woke up to the sound of a banging sound and a clanking noise one night. Awoken by the unusual sound, he got out of bed to go check what was making the noises. To his horror, he opened the door and he was greeted by a demon wearing all black with piercing glowing eyes holding a chain in his hand. The chain was connected to two hounds of hell, snarling and thrashing at both of my grandparents. He said it looked as if they wanted to enter the room but something was stopping them from getting in like some sort of protective barrier. My grandfather slammed the door and didn't sleep at all that night.

They moved very shortly after this and it was not explained to my dad until later in life. There was no reason for my grandfather to make up something like this because the business was actually doing well. Every time my father asked him to tell the story again it would be the exact same every single time. My dad theorizes that the reason they couldn't enter was because the room they slept in was an addition to the original building that hadn't been haunted. Either way, it's pretty terrifying." T



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