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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

MASSIVE UPRIGHT CANINE Observed Near Taylors Falls, Minnesota

The following account was forwarded by a witness in Minnesota who describes an upright canine cryptid. Read the account and tell me what you think it was!

I received the following account:

"Hello. A man I know up north from here steered me to you. He said you are interested in these things, so I'm emailing you.

I live in Taylors Falls, Minnesota and I was driving north on Wild Mountain Rd. around 7 am. on Jan 2nd. I was heading for the ski area when I saw some kind of animal running in the field towards the river. I pulled off the road and grabbed my binoculars. It looked like a large wolf but it was different. By that time some guy in a truck pulled up and was wondering what I was looking at. I told him that I think there is a large wolf in the field. He got out of the truck and asked to use the binoculars. He said he didn't think it was a wolf and that it looked like it was chasing something.

We stood for a few minutes, watching. It would run into the woods and then pop back into the field for a bit. The light was getting better, so I grabbed my parka and started to walk closer to get a better look. The other guy said he had to leave but said again that he didn't think it was a wolf.

I was about a 1/2 mile from the ski area near one of the trail roads. I started to walk towards the river. I was about 100 feet from where I saw the animal from the road when I heard an owl screech coming from the woods to my right. On the edge of the woods, this huge dog came running out of the trees. The best way to describe it was that it looked like a big hyena but it ran on two back legs and bent over. It had wooly black hair all over its body and a long thick tail. It must have weighed 200 lbs or more. I've been in the woods all my life and have never seen anything like this. It looked over at me but continued to run from right to left in front of me. It also made a steady loud panting sound as it ran.

I turned on a pivot and ran out of there, hoping this animal wouldn't chase me. When I got to the car, an old man had pulled off and stood there watching me. He wondered what I was doing. I yelled at him, "Get the hell out of there!" I said that a monster dog was out there. I think he believed me because the look on his face showed fear like he knew something was really out there.

I didn't go to the ski area, instead, I went back home all shaken up and asking myself what I saw.

I read the stories about the Michigan Dogman and something you had about one being seen in Wisconsin. What do you think this was? There is no wolf or any other animal native to the area.

Please don't use my name if you pass this along. This is my work email, I can send you another later.

The guy who sent me your email address told me that there was a sighting last year just west of Duluth. He said it was a hunter who came across it while tracking a deer he had shot. I don't know the details but if it looked like the animal I saw I'm sure he got the hell out of there. Thanks." J



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Thanks. Lon


If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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Thanks. Lon

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