"I was somehow taken from my car and into a UFO, and then later placed back into the front seat of my car. My hand had been pinned between the steering wheel and the dash."
I received the following account:
"The incident occurred at midnight or shortly thereafter on March 24, 1988. I was driving with a friend who was my passenger. We were going home after visiting friends and were heading Southeast on Bull Island Road in New Iberia, Louisiana. We had traveled only a mile or less when my car left the road and flipped over. I was pinned beneath the wheel, with my hand between the wheel and the dash, with three broken ribs and a broken collar bone. I found this out at the hospital later. My friend Michelle suffered a broken nose. I am not including her as a witness, since she was unconscious and had no knowledge of the encounter.
Sometime between 2 and 3 hours after the wreck, two passersby came and kicked out the window on my side and got me out. They also pulled Michelle out of the right side. They then called an ambulance, which took us to the hospital. The events that occurred during the interval from the wreck until our rescue, that I recalled later.
I was somehow taken from my car and into a UFO, and then later placed back into the front seat of my car. My hand had been pinned between the steering wheel and the dash. I had on my mother's ring, with a child's birthstone in it. A six-foot-tall alien man came, got me out of the car, got me aboard his craft by what mechanism I don't know, and cut the ring off my hand. I never got it back.
The description of the alien is between 5'10" and 6; tall, human female, well-shaped, with shoulder-length golden brown hair. Wore white outfit, with a formal Japanese-looking top small collar, and long sleeves. I don't know if the bottom of the outfit was tight or loose fitting. I have the strong impression that the craft, which I never saw from the outside, was on the ground right beside my car.
I underwent surgeries which I don't remember, that removed some muscle tissue from my right upper arm, from my shoulder to the beginning of my forearm. The cut was only two inches, healed without stitches, and left a very light scar. On the inside of the arm, other tissue samples were taken. The marks resulting from this were three dots in a line. Finally, a one-inch cut was made under the chin, which healed with a very light almost invisible scar." G
Man-Made: The Chronicles Of Our Extraterrestrial Gods
The Stargate Conspiracy: The Truth about Extraterrestrial life and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt
Ancient Technology in Peru & Bolivia