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Saturday, March 22, 2025

LARGE BAT-LIKE WINGED HUMANOID Threatens Family at San Jose, CA Cemetery

A family was at a San Jose, CA cemetery in 1989 when they observed a large bat-like humanoid perched in a nearby tree. The creature suddenly takes flight, heading directly towards the family.

I recently received the following account:

"I read your article on the flying bat/man-like creature at the Chicago Adler Planetarium. I have an account that took place in 1989.

In the summer of 1987, my mother passed away from cancer, leaving behind 2 sons and a husband, my father. Every Sunday my father would take me and my brother to breakfast and then we would visit Mom at her grave site, located at Alum Rock in San Jose, CA (Calvary Catholic Cemetery). We would go to breakfast early mid-morning or early morning, around 8am or so.

This particular day was no different and we arrived at the cemetery at approximately 11:00am and it was a cloudless sunny day. We had just walked up to the grave and had a brief moment to get in a comfortable standing position. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something black perched on a tree branch. It seemed to be facing us, however, the shape of it was without definition. The best description I can give is that it was in the form of a black humanoid bat shape. I could see the form of what looked like a head-on shoulders and wings rising above the shoulders. The bottom part of the creature was much slimmer with the rest of the body giving the impression of legs standing upright on the tree branch. But it was without definition, appearing as if a person used a black permanent marker and drew its shape. I hope that makes sense.

As soon as I looked at it, the creature did a nose dive out of the tree with its wings spread out. It then straightened its body doing a 90-degree upward turn, tucked in its wings, and b-lined straight towards us. It didn’t flap its wings when it flew towards us, similar to the Mothman accounts it seemed to cut through the air. I’ve read about bees and beetles sending a vibration threw its wings and allowing a different type of flight. As the creature flew towards us it curved slightly and flew between me and my father and seemed to target my older brother. I say this because he had to turn his shoulders and just managed to dodge the creature from hitting him in the chest. The creature flew past him, made a quick right flew between tombstones, and was out of our sight.

I was extremely terrified and my dad and brother laughed it off. After asking my father several times what it was he finally said it was 'the diablo,' Spanish for devil. I stopped asking after that. Every now and then I’ll do periodic Google searches of the cemetery to see if there have been any accounts of people seeing the same thing, but not at this site.

I have attached a picture at the bottom of this email that I found on the internet that looks the exact same, except what we saw that day did not have red eyes. It is the same or the same species of creature that we saw. To my knowledge, the tree branch was not very high off the ground and the distance between the tree and where we stood I estimate the creature to have to have flown at about 230-250 mph.

This account is true as I remember it, and my brother could also give his account as well. I also know of a very interesting account of another flying humanoid witnessed by a handful of kids (grown adults now) who witnessed a flying humanoid of a different nature. This was also witnessed in the daytime and I could put you in touch with them if you're interested.

Growing up in the Evergreen area of San Jose during the 80’s & 90’s I experienced a ton of other inexplicable events as well as my neighborhood friends. I find it these events very bizarre and believe there is a good chance that the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, located a few miles away, could have influenced some type of reality portal. The area was not as eventful, or scary as some of the Skinwalker Ranch accounts, but definitely in the same category. I grew up with about 20 neighborhood kids and I’m sure they would be willing to give you a lot of their accounts.

My own personal experiences were from UFOs (I used my car headlights to get the attention of a moving light in the sky, and it flew extremely close putting on an aerial display), a nightmare of almost being taken to Hell that when I told a friend about resulted in his unintended exorcism, hearing voices in my dad's house and the ghost of a child that was seen by multiple neighbors at different times. And to make things stranger, I have to verify this with my brother but there was a painting of that boy that was in either my grandparent's house or in our garage. The only event that I documented was the UFO incident but I really would like some answers or some insight into these events. I look forward to hearing back from you shortly." M



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Thanks. Lon


If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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