; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Thursday, March 20, 2025

I HAD NEVER HEARD OF 'BIGFOOT'! Massive 9-Foot-Tall Shaggy Hominin Encounter on Vermont Road

"It had to have been 9 feet tall, maybe 800 lbs,” my husband said; reddish brown shaggy fur. Then it turned around. Neither of us could speak as it eyed us."

I received the following account:

“I've lived in Vermont since I was 17 years old. I'd never heard of Bigfoot nor seen anything like it in my life. I've seen black bears stand on their hind feet, and take a few steps, but always return to their 4 legged walk. I married my husband in 1967 and had 3 children from 1970 to 1972. There are only two-lane roads in the state except for I-89 which goes from I-91 in Massachusetts into I-89 and winds its way clear to Canada. We lived in Windsor, Vermont centered next to the Connecticut River nestled against Mt. Ascutney. It's a truly beautiful place to live. The people are friendly even with their New England quirks. It's a place where you'd bring up your children, let them walk to and from school, and never have to lock your cars or houses, for everyone knew everybody for generations, but one year changed my life forever.

You see, my husband was a hunter. We drove to Richford, Vermont to his cousin's house and he and his cousin would hunt buck or doe for the two weeks we stayed there. He knew every track an animal would leave and enjoyed the sport. So on that fateful afternoon coming back from Reading, Vermont it was a typical day maybe 70° nice breeze. We were talking when I approached a long swinging corner. I had slowed a bit but when I'd reached the straight there was an animal in the center of the road. I came to a stop just yards from it. We both thought it was a bear as it was hunched over with its back to us. I honked the horn a couple of times but to no avail, the creature continued doing its thing, until it started standing up and up and up.

“It had to have been 9 feet tall, maybe 800 lbs,” my husband said; reddish brown shaggy fur. Then it turned around. Neither of us could speak as it eyed us. It was very apparent that whatever it was, was intelligent. It was a male but the largest animal I'd ever seen close up and my husband was as shocked as I was at the sight of the thing (not being disrespectful). It eyed us for maybe a minute or two looking directly into each of our eyes then turned, and took a step towards the side of the road, and one step it was on the grass, another step it was going into what the hunters called 'pucker brush' because it had thorns two inches long or better and it made you pucker for the pain it inflicted. Then the animal was just gone.

We sat there, I don't even know how long afterwards but a car came up behind us and I had to start moving. We didn't speak of it until the next day we were trying to wrap our minds around what we had witnessed. Years later I came across a book by Ivan Sanderson about a large humanoid animal named Sasquatch or Bigfoot and that's when I realized what we had seen. I rushed home to show my husband what I had found and from then on we watched the sides of the roads and looked in fields but never saw the creature or others again. I'm truly thankful for what we saw that day as it made me realize that there is more to this world than we could ever imagine. We never told anyone about our encounter till years later feeling like no one would believe us anyway.” S



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Thanks. Lon


If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map




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Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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