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Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Gulf Breeze, Florida Experiencer Contacts Me About Her UNEXPLAINED ENCOUNTER!

"I saw a "human-like figure" turn away from me and proceed to walk toward my front door with some sort of very large clear syringe he placed on his right hip like a gun."

I received the following account, and have talked to the experiencer. I will be following up:

"Hi, Lon. I've been reading about David Eckhart in your blog for several years. I have lived in the Gulf Breeze, Florida for most of my life. For a long time, I thought that the UFO sightings and otherworldly encounters in this region were simply hoaxes or misidentified perceptions. Well, that changed 2 years ago.

I had fallen asleep in my recliner at approximately 9 PM on a Sunday night. Both of my dogs slept on both sides of my chair on the floor. My boyfriend was on the couch next to my recliner and he was asleep also. At about 3 AM I awoke to a horrific jabbing pain in my mid-lower back right on my spinal column. Upon awakening, I can vividly remember sitting up and grabbing my back. At the same time, as I turned to sit all the way up, I saw a "human-like figure" turn away from me and proceed to walk toward my front door with some sort of very large clear syringe he placed on his right hip, in a holster like a pistol would be placed for carrying purposes. I remember trying to scream out and point at the same time but "nothing" would come out of my mouth. No matter how hard I attempted to shout I could not produce even a whisper. It was as if he possessed some sort of immortal power over my actions until he was out of my sight. He never once turned around where I could see his face but he was all black and soldier-like in his walk, like on a mission he needed to complete?.

I remember immediately grabbing my arms and saying to myself, "Oh my God! I'm not dreaming! This really did happen and this being just inserted something into my back or took something out." I had no further pain from that episode and could not bring myself to even tell my boyfriend about it for about 6 months thinking my family would think I was insane.

One of the weirdest things about the situation was that both my dogs never even budged, nor did my boyfriend wake up during the incident. I was in total disbelief. Not scared for some odd reason, maybe because he never showed his face. I don't know. However, to this day, I don't know if he possibly abducted me during the night and had just finished bringing me back consciously by inserting some sort of medication to awaken me or not. I "do know" for a fact that he had just finished using that large syringe on me because I watched his motions intently and he was walking away and at the same time placing that syringe to his hip "holster." The last thing I saw was him walking towards the front door but right before he got to it he veered to the air conditioning vent as if he had come from it. Possibly from underground, I wondered? 

I then faded out for about 30 minutes and awoke with a very clear vivid remembrance of this event. I then recalled that as I looked at the figure, there was a very bright 'full moon' shining through the front door window. But there was no full moon that night! Was it a craft or a portal? I have no idea what it was!

I never believed or even thought something like this could be true but I now know they are out there and in our homes at their own leisure! They are quiet, meticulous, strong, unafraid, and I think curious in nature. They seem to be in a "time zone" that only they are familiar with and seem to have mastered so well as to quietly appear as they need or want to, then disappear without a trace.

Unexplained events are still happening here in Gulf Breeze and now in my new residence. "Glowing type" footprints are appearing continually everywhere on my carpet during the night! I am not a storyteller and would love and consent to take a polygraph. I do not know if there has been some sort of government cover-up about this UFO and extraterrestrial issue but why would we have full-grown alien beings walking around right now in our homes of all places? They had to grow to get that big so there have to be many more of them, right?

I do not know why I am being targeted as an experiment to him or them but it is not ending for me. I'm really not scared because I have never lost faith in my God above. He has his hand on me, but I really really need some help on this other issue.

Please get back to me! I would not be writing this if it were not true, but heed my words! WE ARE being watched and experimented on. I just don't know why or what they want. Be safe and please believe this is no joke, Lon. I now know they DO exist." A

NOTE: I received this request a few days ago, and I have talked to the experiencer. I believe, that she truly believes, that she endured an unexplained incident at home. She has given me permission to post her initial email. I have refrained from including a few personal details written and told to me. As I go further into this investigation, I plan to document and disclose information that is not confidential, but important to the case. Stay tuned. Lon



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Thanks. Lon


If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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The Serpent's Key • 28 Carlisle St. HANOVER, PA 17331






Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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