"I don't even know if the movie had come out yet, so I didn't know anything about it, but the movie 'Predator' where they saw that invisible creature or cloaked alien."
I received the following account:
"Hi. In 1993 or 1994, I'm not sure, I was living in a place in Tennessee in a small town called Antioch. I was out walking the dog one day or letting the dog do his business out in the front yard. I could feel something watching me. It was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and everybody around there was at work except me. And I could just feel something watching me.
I started looking at the nearby woods. Down in the woods, directly in front of me, I couldn't see anything but I could hear leaves rustling in the trees. So I started looking up towards the tops of the trees and I had very good eyesight at the time. I didn't do drugs. I didn't drink. I saw something crouched down at the tops of the trees. The only way I could describe it and I don't even know if the movie had come out yet, so I didn't know anything about it, but the movie 'Predator' where they saw that invisible creature or cloaked alien. You could see the outline of everything but you could see right through it. And it was sitting up in the very tops of the trees where it wouldn't hold the weight of a man by any means. This thing was as big as a man.
I just stood there looking at it and then I let go of the leash and I took off at a dead run and I yelled, 'Hey!' I took off at a dead run towards this thing and it started running across the tops of the trees. It ran quickly, just in no time. I mean it was really fast. I don't know how it was running across the tops of the trees but I know what I saw. After I thought about it, I thought, what in the world are you doing chasing this thing? I stopped and it stopped about 50 yards away from where it started and it turned around and looked at me again and then it took off out through the woods, through the tops of the trees out into the woods and I didn't see it again. It scared the hell out of me, I know that. And I never ever told anybody about it because I thought people would think I was crazy as a loon.” G