"I was screaming with pain, and I must have passed out, and all of a sudden, I woke up in my bed. My body was still cold when I woke up in fright."
I received the following accounts:
Queensland, Australia. “About 18 years ago one night I was a sleep I felt myself getting sucked up into space it was dark and cold I was going very fast. Then I got sucked into a tube and I was flowing in this white really big round room about 10 stories high which had like grooves cut out in the walls.
I was put in one of them. I don't know how. Then, next, I was in another room, like an operation room with two very tall white Alien beings with really big heads. They didn't talk to me yet I could hear them saying to me, 'Don't be afraid.' They were examining me. They put something up my nose, then I was turned over and they put a thin long prod into my backside.
I was screaming with pain, and I must have passed out, and all of a sudden, I woke up in my bed. My body was still cold when I woke up in fright, and it was summer in Queensland, Australia. I have never spoken about this until now. I can remember this like it was yesterday.” M
“I thought I was losing my mind. I came to realize it had happened throughout my life but the memories are all vague and in snippets, fragmented. I also lost up to 7 hours in 1993 driving to my father's farm with my children and a friend but had no clue until after my experiences in September 2001 when that road trip played in my head for no reason at all.
The car rolled to a stop, and my boyfriend asked me what took us so long which I didn’t answer because, to me, nothing was out of the ordinary, even though, looking back, I did ask my friend, 'Why it was so dark when we turned off at the turnoff?' Which is two hours past the mountain where the car rolled to a stop. My friend's memory also comes back at the turnoff. It's really freaky and sounds nuts, but it's real.
My friend's memory of what happened on that mountain is similar to mine but there are differences, again, fragmented, bits and pieces, we both seen a house mind you a house that does not exist but she thought she was knocking on a make shift police station door where I thought it was a house (you are given screen memories) its a memory so you think that is what has taken place, even if you don’t remember it most of the time any way, unless regressed. Maybe they do that just in case you do remember.” J
“The UFO I saw was while on a Greyhound bus. We had just left Cache Creek, British Columbia, on the right side, out in between the mountains. Down in the field, it was hovering over the ground. It was a huge UFO. It was two miles tall and looked, like, egg-shaped but elongated with four tubes of lights jetting out of the flat side. This was 2:30 AM in the morning. I wish I had stopped the bus to get pictures, but he was driving fast, and I didn't think he'd stop. I'll never forget that night. Check out Cache Creek, Hope BC, Burns Lake, Vancouver, BC, because all have UFO activity. You just have to look up...” V
“I was a skeptic for many years. However, having saw one in the late 1990s around the same week local press were reporting UFOs all the way down the Fylde Coast in Northwest England. The UFO I saw (with a witness) was close up in a field on our way to work. The craft was massive and made no sound but had porthole windows. What is strange is the time to arrive at work should have been quicker, yet we had time to take it in. No fear, though, at the time. Just amazed.
After the event, to travel down the road, I felt nervous. In addition, on approaching a bridge, before seeing the object, I saw what appeared as a swirling, spinning, blue disk-like something of a portal type thing in the sky. Maybe dimensional? Satisfied we know what we saw. And yes. I'm no longer a skeptic.” S