; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Friday, March 07, 2025




By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” author of the internationally-acclaimed “Venus Rising” book series (Terra Alta, WV:  Headline Books, 2015-2024), available on amazon.com

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

The Vast Venus Conspiracy

Lady Columba Venus Revelations

Flying Saucers and the Venus Legacy

Comforting the “Queen of the Archangels”

Dolores felt that we needed to drive out to Escondido, about 45 miles to the north of our position.  “Why are we going there?”  I inquired, but not doubting that we really needed to go there.  Dolores responded, “I have a dear friend there, Cosmic Ray.  Her husband was a true visionary and friend of the space people.  Now she’s a widow, and she just needs a few comforting words and encouragement in continuing the great work of her deceased beloved.”  

“You’ll gain a tremendous understanding of the space people and their mission here on Earth,” interjected Gabe, “after you hear from this wonderful lady, a true space queen if there ever was one.”

Dolores spoke reverently, “I’ve lived a longer life than I ever expected, enjoying many happy experiences the world over.  When I lived in China, I came across these words from Teng Mu, a Chinese philosopher from the thirteenth century whose thinking about the universe was far ahead of the age and culture he was born.  He said, ‘Empty space is like a kingdom, and Heaven and Earth no more than a single individual person in that kingdom.  Upon one tree are many fruits, and in one kingdom many people.  How unreasonable it would be to suppose that, besides the heavens and Earth which we can see, there are no other heavens and no other Earths?’

“Once you meet and talk with this woman, you will more fully grasp the truth of Teng Mu’s statement.”

Gabe remarked, “Teng Mu sounds a lot like Helena Blavatsky, but six centuries before she ever arrived on the scene.”   

Taking the northbound freeways 5 and then 15, we arrived in Escondido in slightly under an hour.  Along the way, Dolores filled me in on the life and times of Ruth E. Norman (nee Nields, 1900-1993), a.k.a. the “Archangel Uriel.”  Ruth was an aspect, or manifestation of her higher self, the Archangel Uriel, who in the more exalted planes of existence served the Infinite Creator as the “Queen of the Archangels.”  Her reign extended over countless planets in many dimensions.  She was also the co-founder, along with her late husband Ernest L. Norman (1904-1971), of UNARIUS, which is an acronym for the “Universal Articulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science.”  She was one of the first of the contactees to link the appearance of some extraterrestrials on Earth with metaphysical and spiritual phenomena.  

When we arrived at Ruth Norman’s beautiful home, filled with a pantheon of statuary representative of the Greco-Roman gods, Dolores nudged me and stated, “I knew you’d be comfortable here.”  At the time I didn’t know what she meant by that remark, but now I realize that as a fourth-dimensional being, she must have known almost everything about me, past, present, and future, all along.   

“Welcome Sister Dolores and Brother Gabe,” said Ruth, “It’s so nice to see you again.  And who is this young friend you’ve brought with you?”  Dolores introduced me to the angelic queen as her friend “Cosmic Ray.”  “What a unique name, ‘Cosmic Ray.’  Being a friend of Sister Dolores, you must have lived many past lives on other planets.  That’s one of the things we do in the UNARIUS movement, try and help people reestablish their star connections.  I see a golden aura around you, Cosmic Ray, quite like that of Dolores, and even reminiscent of my late husband Norman.  I am reading some Venusian connection from you and a very strong one at that.”

Not knowing what to say to such a high celestial being, I simply responded, “Thank you, your majesty.  I do have an affinity for everything Venusian, especially the contact stories from George Adamski and Howard Menger.”  

“Well, there you go!” the queen affirmed.  “There’s the proof of the connection.”  She then invited us into the living room.  After seating ourselves around a mahogany coffee table, Gabe thanked her for receiving us, and then declared, “Dear One, I am so sorry that it has taken so long for me to come here to Escondido and see you again.  I was devastated when I heard about Brother Norman’s passing last December.  As a pioneer in the contactee movement, I will always cherish the great work he did with the Borderland Sciences Research Association (BSRA) here in the San Diego area, especially in channeling Mal Var, his higher self on Venus.  I still have all the back issues of the BSRA’s Round Robin newsletter, and Norman’s editorial contributions made it one of the premier sources for early contact information with our space friends.  He is so missed by all of us in the UFO and contactee communities.”

“Many thanks for your kind words, Brother Gabe.  I know that Mal Var is listening in from the other side of the veil and appreciates you and your friends coming to visit me here today,” acknowledged the Queen of the Archangels.  Speaking further, Ms. Norman addressed some remarks to me.  “Cosmic Ray, I am so happy to meet you this day and want you to know that Mal Var sends his love and best wishes to you for all the great work you have already done and will yet accomplish.  He tells me that he sees the day when you will write books about life on other planets, maybe as many or more than he wrote in his incarnation as Ernest Norman.  Just as he has served as the Monitor on Earth, the ‘Voice of Venus,’ he sees you carrying out a similar role into the next century.”

Being flabbergasted by these prophetic words, I did not know what to say.  The second time such a prophecy was made did not take place until my trip to Mount Shasta with Clayton Parker and the Utah OSIRIS Chapter in 1987.  At that time, we met with “Sister Thedra”  at her residence there in that mountain community, where she gave individual readings to each one of us, as we would take our turn sitting on a cushion before her in a small, candle-lit room.  When she came to me, I hesitated at first to let her do any kind of psychic reading on me.  Perhaps my Mormon indoctrination looked askance at this type of thing; but when she said, “It is such a great honor to be in your presence, Cosmic Ray.  When I look into your eyes, I see an endless sea of universes.  You are a spokesman for the Infinite Creator.  He has sent you here with Brother Parker to provide you the necessary keys required to help you unlock celestial knowledge and fulfill your special calling,” a chill and charge of electricity ran through my body.  All the hair on my arms was standing up from static electricity.  I knew that the trip to Mount Shasta was in keeping with my destiny and that I would be here many more times before transcending Earth’s material plane.  

In returning to the meeting with the Queen of the Archangels in Escondido, however, she wanted me to know that, “Just like yourself, Norman became interested in this whole subject of extraterrestrial spaceships when, as he was working on a project as an electrician in wiring some new buildings in the San Diego area back in 1946, he spotted the now famous ‘phantom airship’ fly over the whole of Southern California, the same one initially reported by George Adamski and Meade Layne from the BSRA, along with thousands of others.  This was the spark for Norman to join up with the BSRA, and, of course, the rest is history.  Fate brought us together in 1954 at a metaphysical meeting in Los Angeles, and our mutual experiences with the space people cemented our relationship.”

Left to Right:  Major Donald E. Keyhoe, USMC, Ret., Dir., NICAP (1897-1988); Earl J. Neff, Dir., CUP (1900-1993); “Cosmic Ray”/Dr. Raymond Keller today in his 70s; Robert Spearing, Dir., International Investigations, MUFON.

And speaking of fate, in July of 1973, I was transferred to Miramar Naval Air Station, just to the north of San Diego, where there would be a massive UFO event that would take place in the first week of November of that year.  I thought that nobody knew about this unusual close encounter confirmed visually and on radar; but as I was preparing this article, my friend Bob Spearing, the Director of International Investigations of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), who I met at a MUFON UFO Conference in Philadelphia and agreed to work with on a special project about another legendary UFO figure, published detailed information about the Miramar incident obtained from the Diaries of the Leonard Stringfield, a pioneer ufologist who from 1957 until he died in 1994, encompassing his career in ufology, was considered the greatest UFO crash retrieval expert in the world.

CALLING CITIZEN UFO RESEARCHERS!!! Another Gem from The Stringfield Diaries

By Bob Spearing, MUFON Director of International Investigations

MUFON began publishing the redacted Diaries of Leonard Stringfield, the world’s greatest UFO crash retrieval expert, on October 1, 2024. With one per month, Diaries # 1 & 2 have now been published.

There are 65 total diaries covering multiple decades comprised of 12,000 pages. Our Project Aquarius Digital Historical Library is releasing one Diary per month with names of Stringfield’s sources such as NSA and CIA Bureau Chief names redacted to protect them and their families.

We have a gem from November 2, 1979, from a radar operator at Miramar AFB near San Diego,

California. MUFON cross-checked this apparently never-seen case against the historical NICAP Chronology and the CUFOS UFOCat database. We found no correlating case. This is a fresh-to-the-public, before-radar case straight out of Stringfield’s amazing diaries!

All of us are well aware that an electro-magnetic field thrown off by a UFO, especially from the 1950s through the 1970s when wire insulation was meager at best, will cause engines to fail, car headlights to dim, and in some cases change temporarily the paint color of a car due to certain metallic oxides in car paint primer!

So not only were electrical systems affected, not only did radar at the base temporarily lock on the

target, not only did the target visibly disappear as if becoming cloaked, not only were jets scrambled but it was a MASS WITNESS sighting.

For my part, as a Yeoman serving as a Navy journalist there, all I can say is that “something real” either passed over, hovered over, or possibly landed on the base that night.  Although I lived off base in the Old Town neighborhood of San Diego, I heard all about the incident from the rumors passed on to me by fellow service personnel and civilian workers on the morning of the day following the night UFO encounter when I came into work at the newspaper offices.  All I could tell from interviewing witnesses to the UFO was that it was some type of vehicle incorporating a disc and allegedly served as some kind of radar surveillance craft.  

What I discovered about the United States military disc-shaped aircraft came from the Laesie Works website, in an article, “U.S. built disc aircraft?” where futurist Giesbert Nijhuis declares that, “In 1967, former U.S. Navy aviator and aviation writer Jack D. Pickett and his business partner Harold Baker visited MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida, to gather information for an Air Force-sponsored article on historical experimental aircraft. At the edge of the base, they were shown four decommissioned X-planes -- all of them flying discs -- measuring 20, 40, 70, and 116 feet in diameter.”

The article continued: “Through interviews with various base personnel, Pickett and Baker concluded that, during the 1950s, the USAF had developed several models of jet-powered flying discs for reconnaissance flights over the Soviet Union. The discs had supersonic capabilities and had, on occasion, reached heights that approached the edge of space (50 miles). Many disc flights -- particularly those of the highly successful 40-foot version -- were no doubt responsible for many ‘Flying Saucer’ reports during the period. By the early 1960s, all had been retired (supposedly) in favor of more advanced aircraft.”   

To my knowledge, the United States Navy continues to utilize surveillance aircraft fitted with such disc-shaped radome housing structures; and the United States Armed Forces, generally, have been deploying such radar-fitted aircraft since 1941 and the start of World War II.  As such surveillance planes are also equipped with elaborate electronic countermeasures systems and jamming apparatus, it is no wonder that all the electronics and radar at Miramar were going haywire with the passing overhead of this object.  When I approached the editor of the Jet Journal about writing an article about the alleged UFO incident, I was informed that “It would be better if you just pretended that nothing happened out there that night.” 

I had a feeling that one day I would come close to finding out more about the UFO phenomenon while serving on active duty in the military.  From Miramar, I came to the exact knowledge that all the branches of the Armed Forces deployed advanced TOP SECRET aerial and aerospace vehicles and platforms that the public at large generally perceived as UFOs, but Air Force Bluebook analysts classified as Identified Flying Objects (IFOs).  Both real UFOs and IFOs existed simultaneously.  These categories were not exclusive in the classification of the reports received and investigated at Bluebook.  

In returning to my meeting with Dolores Barrios, however, and later realizing that she was indeed Lady Orda of Venus, I often wondered whether she played any role in getting me stationed at Miramar. Gabe asked Ms. Norman what her immediate plans were and the queen replied that she was waiting patiently for celestial guidance, but that in the meantime she was scoping out some properties throughout Southern California for constructing a spaceport to welcome our cosmic friends and some storefronts for conversion into a UNARIUS Academy.  Both Gabe and Dolores encouraged her in these noble efforts.   

We spent the night at the Norman residence and then Dolores drove me back to the bus station in Chula Vista on the following morning.   Dolores would return to the Norman residence where she and Gabe would stay for a while with the Queen of the Archangels, working on an undisclosed project.


(Editor's Note:  Dr. Raymond A. Keller will be appearing in person at the Global Center for Christ Consciousness in Sedona, Arizona, on Saturday, April 12 from 2-5 p.m. to discuss his two latest books, The Gospels of Thomas and Mary Magdalene (Discus Books, Hohenfels, Germany), as well as The Real Resident Aliens (Headline Books, Terra Alta, WV).  He stands ready to answer all the questions you may have about the planet Venus but were afraid to ask.)



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Thanks. Lon


If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
Available on Amazon.com
San Francisco Book Festival Honorable Mention
New York Book Festival Honorable Mention


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