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By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” author of the internationally-acclaimed “Venus Rising” book series (Terra Alta, WV:  Headline Books, 2015-2024), available on

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

The Vast Venus Conspiracy

Lady Columba Venus Revelations

Flying Saucers and the Venus Legacy

Left, Dr. Gabriel Green (1924-2001), physicist and President, Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America (AFSCA).

Center, YN3 Raymond Keller, USN, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray” with Dolores Barrios (Hollywood costume designer), a.k.a. “The Queen of Outer Space.”

Ruth Norman, a.k.a. “Uriel, The Queen of the Archangels,” and President, UNARIUS Society, Southern California.

Meeting with the Masters

Towards the end of November 1972, I was going to receive a four-day pass for Thanksgiving (23-26 November).  Insofar as I reported for muster on the morning of the 27th back at COMCRUDESPACREP on the Long Beach Navy Base,  I could go anywhere I wanted.  Therefore, I called upon my old ufology friend from prior correspondence, Gabriel Green of Hoover Street in Los Angeles, and asked if I could come up and meet with him.  I told Gabe that I had a Xerox copy of an important chapter on UFOs from an Air Force Academy textbook, Introductory Space Science,  that was given to me by Earl J. Neff, and that I wanted him to have it.  I didn’t think it was appropriate for me, as a Navy yeoman, to be holding on to such a document, as there was very little that I could realistically do with it while on active duty.  Earl Neff told me that he received the chapter from retired United States Marine Corps Major and aviator Donald E. Keyhoe, then the director of NICAP.  Earl Neff had already revealed the existence of the document in many venues, including the National Enquirer,  but Chapter 33, dealing exclusively with UFOs and the ETH in a very positive light, was marked as “Not published material.”  I’m not sure what that meant, but it just seemed like a real “hot potato” for an enlisted Navy man to keep in his possession.  Naturally, someone like Gabriel Green could do a lot more with the Air Force textbook than I could, alerting the public that the Air Force brass knew a lot more about the reality of extraterrestrial spaceships and wanted their officer recruits at the academy in Colorado Springs to at least be briefed on this matter before being further assigned to various air bases after graduation.  Gabriel Green was very excited about this and agreed to meet me.  I told him that I would have four days off and would like to meet him during the Thanksgiving holiday.  Gabe said he would get back to me before the day was out, to fill in the arrangements for our meeting.

On the evening of Sunday, 19 November 1972, I received a call from Gabe.  He assured me, “Everything is set for Friday, 24 November.  I will meet you at the Greyhound Bus Station on 3rd Avenue between E and F Streets in Chula Vista at noon; and I’ll also introduce you to a dear friend of George Adamski, living in that area.  I’ll be pleased to accept the document at that time.”

On Friday, the bus from Long Beach arrived about 20 minutes ahead of time, so I collected my luggage and waited in the cafeteria for Gabe to arrive with one of the late George Adamski’s friends.  Gabe was easily recognizable, being one of the most prominent ufologists in California whose photographs have appeared in so many newspaper articles, UFO magazines, and books.  Gabe also had some idea of my appearance from that photo in the National Enquirer a few years back.  Some ten minutes had passed, and as soon as I spotted Gabe walking through the doors of the bus station, accompanying a young lady, I got up from the lunch counter and walked over to greet them.  “It’s so nice to actually meet you in person, Gabe,” I said to the tall and lanky contactee and ufologist.  “I’ve waited for this moment ever since we started our correspondence back in 1967.”

Before serving in the Navy and still a high school journalist, “Cosmic Ray” Keller worked with many prominent ufologists such as Earl J. Neff, Gray Barker, Gene Duplantier, and Gabriel Green and published a flying saucer magazine with a global reach.  National Enquirer article of 14 December 1969 is from archives of Gray Barker’s Saucer News.

“It’s great to meet you too, Ray.”  We shook hands and then Gabe introduced me to the young Hispanic lady. “I’d like to introduce you to my friend that we talked about on the phone.  This is Dolores Barrios.  She closely followed all the major contactees here in California back in the 1950s and into the early 1960s.  In 1963, she moved to Brazil to do UFO research with several UFO investigative groups in both Brazil and neighboring Argentina and write articles for their respective UFO journals.  She speaks numerous languages, so she also served as a translator for the Brazilian groups, providing English and Spanish versions of some of their journals for distribution worldwide.  She occasionally visits us here in the United States when there are significant flaps in UFO activity as a correspondent for these groups.”   

“Nice to meet you, Ray,” exclaimed Dolores, adding, “I really enjoyed reading the copies of the Flying Saucer Report in Gabe’s files and look forward to reading the Air Force textbook chapter.”

“It’s my pleasure to share it with you and Gabe, Dolores.  It just goes to show that the Air Force brass has been lying to the public about UFOs, as usual, when they said they were shutting down UFO investigations.  All the while, they kept teaching Air Force cadets that UFOs were crewed interplanetary vehicles that have been coming to our world for at least the last 50,000 years.”

Dolores suggested that we get something to eat, so we piled into her rental car and she drove us to a nearby taco stand. After we ordered our lunch, we sat down at a table outside under a big umbrella.  I handed Gabe a copy of the Air Force textbook chapter and Dolores presented Gabe and me with an update on some of the more notable UFO cases she had been investigating in Brazil.  As I perused the Brazilian film, I felt an immediate attraction to this woman, so interested and involved in international UFO research.

“So how did you meet George Adamski?” I asked the young lady.

She replied, “Back in the early 1950s, I came across some articles by Adamski in Fate magazine, including photos he had taken of flying saucers and other craft in the vicinity of Mount Palomar in Southern California.   I was living in Venice (California) at the time and decided that I would follow this man wherever he went to find out as much about the mysterious flying saucers as I could.  He noticed my presence at several of his events and eventually invited me to his home, where he also shared a lot of the profound knowledge he had gained through a study of the mystic arts.  If there was anything I could learn about flying saucers and intelligent life on other planets, I just knew that George Adamski was the one who could teach me.”

“That’s pretty much how I felt about Earl Neff from the Cleveland Ufology Project,” I noted, but inquiring, “So how did you even get involved with the subject of UFOs in the first place?”

“I was working as a seamstress in a shop in Manhattan Beach (California) in the 1950s when some friends told me about more lucrative employment as a seamstress in costume design at various movie studios in Hollywood.  Lots of Hispanic women were signing on at that time. I just joined the bandwagon.  This provided the opportunity for me to work in a lot of science fiction movies, where I helped to design dresses, uniforms, and other garments for a lot of space operas as well as scary costumes for monsters.  What intrigued me the most were the space operas…. Not so much the monster flicks.  I could let my imagination run wild, helping to define an image of beautiful and peaceful extraterrestrials for the emerging Space Age generation.  My interest in UFOs sprang from this type of work.  Like Major Keyhoe of NICAP and the Lorenzens of APRO have concluded, flying saucers are the vehicles that bring the extraterrestrials to this planet, so I want to know where they are coming from and what they are doing here,” Dolores explained. 

Altaira’s stunning extraterrestrial dress was worked on by Manhattan Beach, California, seamstress Dolores Barrios and other Hispanic women under the direction of costume designer Helen Rose for Anne Francis’ wardrobe in the 1956 MGM sci-fi classic, Forbidden Planet.

Between munching on tacos and burritos, dipping them in guacamole, and sipping Coca-Cola, Gabe asked her what movie costumes she considered her best work.  “That’s easy,” exclaimed Dolores, “It must be for Forbidden Planet (Beverly Hills, California, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, 1956).  I was contracted with Helen Rose along with several other Hispanic ladies in the Costume Department and made significant contributions to Anne Francis’ wardrobe as the character Altaira, the daughter of the rogue scientist Morbius. Her costumes were so good that they were reused in other science fiction dramas, like the cheeky Queen of Outer Space (Los Angeles, California, Allied Artists, 1958), starring Zsa Zsa Gabor and Laurie Mitchell.  Hollywood back then, and to a certain extent still, is unfair in its failure to recognize the contributions of Hispanic women, and men, behind the scenes at all levels of production.”

Gabe and I were sympathetic to her words and noted that even in ufology circles, they always imply that advanced extraterrestrials must somehow be of the tall Aryan or Nordic types, when the very human-looking ones appear to be from many different backgrounds, and hard to pinpoint a predominance of any race or ethnicity.  “I can tell you something about Queen of Outer Space,” added Dolores, “that being Charles Beaumont, who cobbled that story together, doesn’t know the first thing about Venus or Venusians, but at least some of the Venusian women’s clothing made them stand out, spectacularly at that.”  

Gabe then told me, “You should know that ever since Dolores showed up at the Mount Palomar Contactee Convention back in August 1954, and her picture was taken there with two mysterious gentlemen friends, everyone has been speculating that she, herself, is a Venusian.  George Adamski had a huge portrait of the Venusian Orthon that he met in the Mojave Desert out in the foyer of the Skyline Lodge Motel, where the convention was taking place, and everyone was remarking how similar Dolores and Orthon were in their overall appearance.  A Brazilian journalist and photographer, correspondents from O Cruzeiro magazine (Rio de Janeiro), were there, too; and their interview and photos of Dolores and her two male friends appeared in their flying saucer convention coverage in the 16 October 1954 edition of the magazine.”

“Following that convention, O Cruzeiro journalist João Martins and staff photographer Ed Keffel became my very good friends.  We carried out a long airmail ‘pen pals’ correspondence and the two would keep me posted on UFO events in Brazil, as I would them on the UFO scene here in North America.  They were covering the so-called ‘UFO beat’ down there, which seemed to come in waves or ‘flaps.’  In fact, they were the ones who convinced me that Brazil was fast becoming the ‘nation of the future,’ and after dear President Kennedy was shot, I decided that I needed to get out of the United States and that a change of venue would do me good, so I moved to Vitória, upon the central Atlantic coast of Brazil,” said Dolores.

I then inquired of her, “Well, are you the Venusian that the attendees at Palomar thought you were?”

Dolores replied, “Frankly, I have always been a Venusian at heart.”

“You sure look young for someone who was attending flying saucer conventions back in the 1950s.  Maybe you are a Venusian after all.  But for me, you will always be the real Queen of Outer Space!” I remarked and smiled.  Then Dolores winked at me and gave me a kiss on my brow, right over the spot where my third eye was located.  

Before we left for our tour of San Diego, Dolores pointed out from her files some of the more pertinent UFO incidents that had occurred in Brazil over the past few years.  In all the following reports, those with no sources stated came from Dolores’ personal investigations of cases on behalf of sundry Brazilian and South American UFO groups:  

5 January 1969, State of Rio de Janeiro:  A judge from Campos was driving along the river road between Campos and Itaparuna when his wife spotted a lilac-colored, 50-feet-in diameter disc-shaped object dip down from the sky and hover soundlessly over the river, just a few hundred feet from their vehicle.  She thought it was so unusual and beautiful and wanted her husband to park the car so they could get out and get a closer look at it.  Her husband the judge pulled over to the side of the road, where the couple watched the UFO for about two minutes.  The gentleman admitted to his wife that he was afraid of the object, not knowing what it was and what possible dangers it might pose.  He then drove back onto the road and accelerated the car, moving quickly out of the area.  

25 January 1971, State of Santa Catarina:  It was a Monday around 9:30 a.m., when a senior high school student of the Machinery and Engines Course at the Tupi Technical School in Joinville, was in the vicinity of Armação Beach, near his home, photographing landscapes.  At one point, as he was centering the scene he wanted to photograph in the viewfinder of his German Beirette camera, he was overwhelmed by an intense glare that penetrated the entire area.  Within a few seconds, he could see a powerful flash moving downward. He squeezed the shutter, on which his finger was already set, and photographed the scene. Then he looked about his surroundings, trying to get a glimpse of what he had seen through the viewfinder of his camera, but to no avail. 

Not seeing anything in his immediate environment, the young photographer assumed that he had been deceived by his eyes or by some reflection, and he continued to photograph other panoramas. It wasn't until February, when he had copies of the film developed, that he realized that there was also one unusual photograph among the batch, depicting a saucer-shaped blob of light hovering directly over the water.  Eventually, his case was made public when it was reported in the newspaper A Notícia of Joinville, which also included the photo of the well-illumined flying saucer.  It was either made of light or shrouded in plasma.  Following the publication of the article, many others from throughout the state called and wrote into the newsroom with reports of sighting the same UFO, or a similar one.  

28 January 1971, State of Sao Paulo:  Mr. Candido Cavalcanti was driving along the Highway Americana returning to Campinas at night under torrential rain when, about halfway through his trip, he observed a shiny object whose shape resembled the form of a banana. Other witnesses included two women and Mr. Nigel Rimes, a British UFO investigator residing in Brazil. The source of this information was an interview provided by Mr. Cavalcanti that I recorded off TV Channel 7, transmitting from Sao Paulo.

31 January 1971, State of Santa Catarina: It was a Sunday at about 2:30 a.m. and on Piçarras Beach, at approximately 3 or 4 kilometers in a straight-line direction from Armação Beach Beach, “as the crow flies,” Mr. M. L., a resident of Blumenau, along with three female bank tellers, Ms. K.F., Ms. S.T., and Ms. M.S. from Joinville and S.S., a young male student, also a resident of Joinville. observed for more than 30 minutes a point of intense yellow light in the sky. Repeatedly, the object moved at high speed towards the ocean.  No variation in color or shape could be discerned, and the object emitted no sound.  This object did seem to outshine any star or planet visible to all five of the witnesses that night. 

04 February 1971, State of Pernambuco:  Around 8 p.m., a shiny spheroid object hovered over downtown Recife, the capital city of the State of Pernambuco, for 15 minutes. It was seen by nearly 5,000 people. It moved over the capital’s main avenues, which has more than one million inhabitants. An hour later, it appeared over the neighboring city of Olinda. A small crowd congregated at the Varadouro Plaza to observe the phenomenon as it continued on a trajectory taking it towards the Umuarama neighborhood. Physicians from the Olinda Emergency Care Clinic, located in the Novo neighborhood, confirmed the appearance of the object, as well as its sudden disappearance in the west.  The object reflected an intense red light and made complex moves. A plane from the Brazilian Air Force attempted to approach it, but it couldn’t even be seen long enough for the pilots to get a bead on it because it moved at such a high speed. The commander from the 2nd Air Zone informed the tower’s air traffic control center that they should remain alert for any possible reappearance of the UFO and to also advise any commercial airline pilots in the area about this situation. This UFO report was culled by me from the 6 February 1971 edition of the Correio do Povo newspaper, Porto Alegre, Brazil.

05 March 1971, State of Rio Grande do Norte:  Regional news reported that a strange phenomenon had been observed by residents near Pirangi Beach, some 24 kilometers from the city of Natal. Witnesses described it as a fireball that crossed the sky rapidly. Its brightness was of blinding intensity. The colors emitted were yellow, red, and blue.  According to the accounts of summer vacationers, the fireball appeared around 8:00 p.m. coming up from the south and moving in a northerly direction. Next, it moved towards the west, returning to its initial place of being observed in the south. Vacationers who were at Pirangi Beach for a couple of weeks prior reported seeing the phenomenon many times, confirming that the fireball appeared sporadically, being seen at least twice a week, each time at approximately 8:00 p.m.  Brazilian Air Force authorities were notified of the event. (Source: Brazilian newspaper, Noticias Populares, Sao Paulo, 6 March 1971).

23 June 1971, State of Parana:  In Curitiba around 11:20 p.m., Mr. J.B.S. Carvalho, a bank teller, was going to close his garage door when he noticed a shiny yellow body moving in the sky. It resembled a first-magnitude star moving at moderate speed from west to east. Suddenly, it made a drastic move, changing its trajectory by making a sharp 65-degree angle, initiating a rapid ascension, and disappearing in a flash of light. No sound. There was no variation in color or luminosity. 

24 June 1971, State of Rio Grande do Sul:  At 1:18 a.m., over the city of Gravatai, there were clear skies and no moon, when Mr. J. Victor Soares, founding president of the Grupo de Pesquisadores de Objetos Voadores Nao Identificados (Independent Group of Investigators of Unidentified Flying Objects), observed for 3 or 4 seconds an orange, egg-shaped object, with brightness superior to the planet Jupiter. It crossed the sky from the northeast to the southwest, leaving a luminous white-colored trace, which remained visible for 2 seconds after the object’s disappearance. (Source: narrative provided by Mr. J. Victor Soares to me via letter dated 19 August 1971).

24 June 1971, State of Sao Paulo:  At 2:30 p.m., the Secretary of Administration at the City of Osasco Mayor’s Office, Professor Andre Bogasian, sighted a metallic, cone-shaped object of intense luminosity, flying at a high speed.  It did not emit any sound and left a blue trace. At 8:00p.m. of the same day, city worker Luzia O. da Silva saw an identical object moving in a southwest direction from the southwest toward the city.  The object remained stopped, remaining stationary in the sky for a few seconds above the Santo Antonio Church, next moving towards the Osasco cemetery. It was also seen by countless locals. On 8 July 1971, officials from Air Zone IV of the Brazilian Air Force Ministry arrived in Osasco to collect accounts from witnesses, whose narratives coincided significantly. (Source: Brazilian newspapers Ultima Hora– 26 June 1971; Noticias Populares – 26 June 1971; and O Estado de Sao Paulo – 27 June 1971).  

26 July 1972, Rio de Janeiro State:  A large golden-glowing cylindrical object (mothership) accompanied by a squadron of eight small disc-shaped golden-glowing objects (scout ships/flying saucers) was seen by about 3,000 spectators at a soccer game in the Goytacaz Stadium in the city of Campos as it passed overhead in the space of two minutes before it ducked into a dark cloud bank and disappeared.  The soccer match took place at night and was just about over when the UFOs showed up at around 10:00 p.m.  (Note:  Dolores Barrios provided very detailed information on this case to an American reporter from the National Enquirer of Lantana, Florida, Bill Burt, who ran a headline story on it in the 05 November 1972 issue of the tabloid, “Soccer Fans Tell of UFOs Over Stadium in Brazil.” -Cosmic Ray).

“From what you are telling us, Dolores, it seems as though the space people are conducting some kind of reconnaissance of Brazil, getting our neighbors to the south ready for something really big,” said Gabe, further inquiring, “Do you have any occupant reports that you care to share at this time?”

Dolores momentarily paused, and then replied, “Yes, Gabe, flying saucer activity in Brazil has included a large percentage of landing and contact reports.  For the most part, these have been written up extensively in the local press; but due to censorship restrictions and other factors, news of these encounters failed to reach North America.  And when they contained some important facts about extraterrestrials, they somehow became ‘accidentally’ distorted. Therefore, I’m letting both of you in on two of the better incidents that I have become personally informed about through investigation.  They’re older, but received sufficient media attention before the big clampdown was put in place.”

Gabe was particularly pleased to receive these reports and asked Dolores if it would be OK for him to publish any of this information in the pages of the Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America’s official organ, UFO International.  Dolores said, “I don’t see any problem with that, and then continued with her report of the alien contact:

“This incident occurred in Parana State back on 23 July 1947 and constitutes the first extraterrestrial contact report in Brazil in the modern era of the flying saucers.  The contactee’s name was Jose C. Higgins, a land surveyor, and he was interviewed and recorded by Dr. Elidio Hernandes and me, designated investigators of the Circulo da Amizade Sideral (Circle of Star Friends), some 20 years after the incident.  Nevertheless, a few days after Higgins’ UFO encounter, he reported his story to the local newspaper, Diario da Tarde, and a brief article about it appeared in the 27 July 1947 edition of that periodical.  Therefore, we know that he wasn’t making it up.”  Dolores then retrieved a copy of the old newspaper article and a typed transcript that she prepared in English of Dr. Hernandes’ interview with Higgins, from a briefcase she brought with her. Dolores placed these documents in front of Gabe and me and declared, “In his own words, here is the account of Higgins’ actual meeting with beings from another world.”


Dr. Elidio Hernandes:  Mr. Higgins, can you describe your first encounter with the object.

Jose C. Higgins:  Yes, Dr. Hernandes.  On 23 July 1947, I was near the small village of Goio-Bang, northwest of Pitanga and southwest of Campo Mourao, all in the state of Parana.  I was doing some topographic work when on crossing one of the few clearings in the region, I heard a deep hissing sound which made my hair rise on my head.  A strange object of circular shape and looking like a medicine capsule was coming down from the sky.  My men, all simple country people, ran away in fear at the sight of the strange object.  I still do not know why I decided to stay and see what was to happen.  The object circled the clearing and landed softly about 50 meters from where I was.  It was an amazing thing.  It was about 30 meters in diameter and it had a border of some 1.5 meters and was approximately 5 meters high.  It had pipes crossing it in several directions from six of which came the hissing sound, but no smoke whatsoever.  The part that touched the ground had bent, leg-like supports that bent even more when the ship landed.  It seemed to be made of a white-grey metal which was not silver.  While taking an overall look at it, I noticed a wall on which there was a window made of glass or something like glass.  I then saw two people looking at me with curiosity.  They were very strange-looking.  

Dr. Elidio Hernandes:  This is my associate, Ms. Dolores Barrios.  She’s going to ask you for some additional details about your unique experience.

Jose C. Higgins:  It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Barrios.

Dolores Barrios:  The pleasure is mine, Mr. Higgins.  As you know from Dr. Hernandes, the members of our group firmly believe your account.  Many have had similar experiences.  Our group, Circle of Star Friends, exists for three reasons.  First, we want to divulge to the general public true information about our brothers and sisters of other planets and their reasons for visiting the Earth in their flying saucers, to prepare them for what is coming as we enter the Space Age.  Second, we want to foster the exchange of information regarding UFO and extraterrestrial contacts with similar groups and interested individuals around the globe. Third, we are always seeking out individuals, such as yourself, who have not only observed extraterrestrial spaceships but have met the occupants of these same, especially here in the states of Parana and Santa Catarina.  

Jose C. Higgins:  Thank you so much, Ms. Barrios and Dr. Hernandes, for the important work you are doing.  I’m so glad to meet people who take me seriously.  I’ll try my best to answer your questions.

Dolores Barrios:  Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Higgins.   Now I would like you to try and remember all you can about your meeting with the occupants of the craft.  Take your time.

Jose C. Higgins:  Well, after a while one of the occupants turned to the inside of the ship and appeared to be talking to someone.  Then I heard a noise and a door opened from under the border.  Three people came out.  They were dressed in a kind of transparent overalls that wrapped them completely, including their heads, which were inflated like an automobile pneumatic.  On their backs, they carried a kind of metallic sack that appeared to be part of their outfit. Through the transparent overalls, I could see perfectly well that they were wearing undershirts, trunks, and sandals made not of cloth material, but of something that looked like aluminum foil.  

I also noticed that their strange appearance was due mainly to their big, round eyes with no eyebrows but long eyelashes, and because they were almost completely bald-headed.  They had no beard, their heads were big and rounded, and their legs were longer than the proportions we know.  As for their height, they were about 30 centimeters taller than I and I am 1.80 centimeters tall.  The most interesting thing of all is that each looked like the twin brothers of the others, both the ones who wore the overalls and the ones who did not.

One of them carried a small metal tube and was pointing it at me.  I noticed that they were talking to each other. I could hear them perfectly but understood nothing.  They spoke a language I had never heard and it sounded very nice and pleasant to my ears.  Despite their great size, they moved with swiftness and formed a triangle around me.  The one holding the tube-like metal piece in his hand motioned at me to get into the ship.  I approached the door and all I could see inside was a small den in which appeared another door and the end of a pipe that came from inside.  I also noticed several rounded planks on the base and border.  

Dolores Barrios:   OK, Mr. Higgins, what ensued inside the ship?

Jose C. Higgins:  I started to talk, asking them where they were taking me, using a lot of mimics.  They understood me, and the one who seemed to be the leader touched a rod to the floor, whence a colored panorama appeared below our feet showing the Sun in space surrounded by seven planets moving around in circles about it.  He pointed the rod to the seventh planet and then to the ship, and repeated this action several times.  I was dumbfounded.  I had no desire to leave the Earth.  No, that was not for me!  That seventh planet looked like some kind of water world.  It was a bright blue and I did not see any land masses anywhere on it, but lots of fast-moving clouds.  There even seemed to be a faint ring around it.  I could recognize the Earth as the planet on the third circle, so this had to be our solar system, and that must have made their world the one we know as Uranus.  

I thought about the situation for a while.  I could not fight them, and that was obvious.  They were much stronger and there were a lot of them. Then I had an idea.  I noticed that they avoided the sunlight.  I stepped away from the window and moved over to their position in a shaded part of the ship.  Then I took out my wallet from my pocket and showed them a photograph of my wife, explaining through mimics that I would like to go and fetch her, that I could not go anywhere with them if my wife was not coming with me.  They did not stop me as I walked out of the ship, giving thanks to God that I was free of them.  I then ran deeper into an area of heavy vegetation and hid behind some bushes to watch and see what they were going to do.  Those that were outside were playing like children, jumping around and flinging stones.  Some of the stones were quite large, but they easily managed to hurl these for long distances, just like Superman in the comic book.  

The ship remained in the area for about half an hour.  Then the ones outside stopped all their activity and looked thoroughly around the neighborhood.  Seeing nothing, or nobody, especially me, they just climbed back into the ship and took off with that same peculiar noise.  The ship headed north until it just disappeared in the clouds.  I will never know if they were men or women.  They all had a sort of androgynous look about them.  But they were all very good-looking and seemed to be in wonderful health.  On the other hand, I do find it hard to express their language in writing.  I do remember two words, however, and these are “Alamo” for the Sun and “Orque,” designating the seventh planet, or Uranus.  

That’s about all I can recall.  Is there anything you can tell me at this time to help me better understand this experience?

Dolores Barrios: There seem to be a lot of astronomers who think that life exists on the outer planets of our solar system; and due to different planetary environmental conditions out there, they would probably need gear such as you described to survive in our atmosphere.  The National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the United States is planning on sending probes to all the outer planets in the coming decades.  But until then, I can tell you that many contactees say that Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and other worlds and even moons beyond Ceres and the asteroid belt are teeming with life.

Dr. Elidio Hernandes:  Mr. Higgins, I can assure you that there have been many cases in our country where these UFOs have been observed over bodies of water.  This affinity for watery areas may possibly be accounted for by the extraterrestrials coming from such a water world as Orque, that you described.  In fact, from our own files here at the Circle of Star Friends, I can tell you that a strange UFO is believed to have submerged in the waters of the Peropave River near the Capivari, just 8 kilometers to the right of the BR-2 highway in the neighborhood of the Ribeira do Iguape River, causing at the time, a real panic in the region, which in recent months has turned into the most intense curiosity.  The incident in question happened back on 31 October 1963, at about 2 p.m.  

Upon receiving the above report, a profound appreciation of the investigative methodology of the Circle of Star Friends dawned upon me.  In contrast to NICAP in the United States, which was still chasing after every bobbing light traversing the night sky, the Star Friends were operating from the premise that our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters are already here and that the purpose of ufology should be the discovery of what planet or realm they were coming from and why they are here.  And, of course, the best way to obtain this information is to get it from the contactees, those who have been in the presence of these visitors from afar.  They are the only real experts in these matters.  We have to open our ears and listen to what they have to say, what they have learned right from the source.  

From time to time Dolores also ventured across the southern border of Brazil down into Argentina, where she worked closely with my friend Guillermo Aldunati, the Director of La Asociación de Observadores de los Astros (AOA), which in English translates to the Association of Star Observers, over in Rosario, Province of Entre Rios.  Within the context of the larger group, a smaller unit was established to study UFOs as a component of outer space studies.  Guillermo worked with South American experts in many fields related to astronomy and outer space studies in publishing a magazine, Espacio, that came out four times per year.  Dolores said she felt good about working with Guillermo and the others in the AOA in that while they all embraced the ETH, they nevertheless insisted that their association avoid involvement with politics, religion, or sensationalist journalism.  “We at the AOA are not in ufology to get rich off of it,” declared Dolores, adding, “We put all monies from the sale of Espacio back into the publication for printing and distribution, and also to help finance our investigators in the field doing research.”

The other contact report from Brazil was written up by Guillermo based on information obtained from an investigation carried out by Dolores Barrios.  Here are Guillermo’s findings, written up in February 1968, which Dolores delivered to Gabe and I for our edification and illumination:

UFO Contact from Brazil

A Brazilian who lives at Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and works in the National Steel Company, tells what he saw on a planet not belonging to our solar system when he traveled there in an object like a “saucer” along with six space people.

It happened some time ago, in 1967, just when Mr. Mario Restier was going along a dirt road on his father’s farm and suddenly found out that a spaceship landed just a short distance away.  He was invited to get in by a tall man, who seemed to be one of the crew members.  He thought that the man was taller than the average human being, and a lot more handsome in overall appearance.  After he entered the spaceship, the crew members had him strip off his clothes and started to spray his body from head to toe with some unknown fluid.  They also repeated this process before he left the ship, and returned his regular clothes.  After spraying him, one of the crew brought him a uniform like the ones they were wearing and asked him to don it.  They also gave him some heavy shoes.  At least they seemed to be heavy, but possibly because they were magnetic to a metallic floor.  “What are you going to do with me?” inquired Mr. Restier to the aliens.  “We’re taking you on a trip to our planet,” was what one of them replied, the same tall man who had met him just outside the craft.  

They bid him to lie down on a bed in a room adjacent to the ship’s control center.  When he awoke, the tall alien announced that they were already in orbit around their home world and ready to land the ship.  Mr. Restier had no idea how long he had been asleep.  But after landing, he was received by some authorities, but with no fanfare.  They showed him around a city that looked not too dissimilar to cities he had seen in North America and Europe.  They took him on a tour of various industrial centers and energy production installations.  These, on the other hand, did seem to be of a much more advanced technology than anything he had previously seen on Earth.  The air smelled sweet, crisp, and cool.  The atmosphere was clean and free of smoke.  Maybe this is what Earth will be like in a hundred years or so, he mused.  

He asked his guide, the tall man, many questions about life in outer space.  The guide promised that he would try and answer these to the best of his ability.  “We have mastered most of the major languages spoken on Earth, among these Portuguese, with which I am speaking to you now,” stated the guide.  

“Your women are the most beautiful and attractive I have ever seen,” enthusiastically noted Mr. Restier, adding, “I won’t mind if I end up staying here, especially if I get to meet one of your women folks.”  

Instead of one bright sun in the sky, with a diurnal cycle like the Earth enjoys, the sky was perpetually lit with a dim glow, but filled with dozens of very bright and multicolored stars of varied sizes, surrounded by nebulae.  “What is this place?” Mr. Restier inquired.  “You are on the planet Triel (pronounced Tree-El) in one of the many solar systems in the constellation you know as the Pleiades,” the guide explained.  

According to Mr. Restier’s best estimate and general impression, he had stayed away from Earth for about 48 hours; but his father affirmed that he and all the family were highly concerned on account of Mario’s absence, which lasted for six months.\


(Editor's Note:  Dr. Raymond A. Keller will be appearing in person at the Global Center for Christ Consciousness in Sedona, Arizona, on Saturday, April 12 from 2-5 p.m. to discuss his two latest books, The Gospels of Thomas and Mary Magdalene (Discus Books, Hohenfels, Germany), as well as The Real Resident Aliens (Headline Books, Terra Alta, WV).  He stands ready to answer all the questions you may have about the planet Venus but were afraid to ask.)



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Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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