"He had a black hat on. His skin, you know what mat-white color looks like, right? Really bright mat-white. No gloss, just kind of matted down."
I received the following account:
“I'm not much of a believer in Men In Black or anything of that stuff, I'm really not. I'm pretty pragmatic. Today (February 15, 2012), at Starbucks, not only did I run into my Gym Creek buddy who kinda freaked me out. But I'm sitting there. We had a nice little conversation. I was reading a book and I just looked over and this guy is walking out the door of Starbucks. He looks like he's about 6'2". He looks like he's about... I'm only catching this from the profile. I didn't see him head-on. 6'2", and he looked like he weighed between 135 and 140 pounds. He had a black coat on that went all the way from his neck down to below his ankles. And he had a black hat on. His skin, you know what mat-white color looks like, right? Really bright mat-white. No gloss, just kind of matted down.
All I saw was in his profile, okay? White! Pale! Like there are no red blood cells. And he had white fuzz on his face. And he wore this black hat, a fedora like out of the 40s or 50s or something like that. I was in Hillsboro, Oregon.
Here's the thing that wiped me out about him. I can remember things pretty well. He went in and bought a cup of coffee. He walked out the door and as he was walking up the street, instead of holding the coffee like normally you would, like in close to your body or something like that, he was holding it out in front of him and it looked like, honest to god, I'm not lying to you, man, it looked like the coffee was dragging him along. It was the most doggone thing. I've never seen anybody carry a cup of coffee like that. You know, it was just so strange. He obviously was in there buying coffee but I didn't see that part of it.” M