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Tuesday, March 18, 2025

CLAIM: POPE JOHN XXIII Had An Extraterrestrial Encounter in 1961 (VIDEO)

The Pope and his secretary knelt, even without knowing exactly what they were seeing, and began to pray believing that it was a phenomenon or heavenly miracle.

One of the most spectacular revelations disclosed by the Vatican tells the story reported by the assistant of Pope John XXIII (1881-1963) who, in statements to the press in 2005 (at the time being already 90 years old) said the strangest event involving His Holiness was a meeting between His Holiness and a man from another planet, an alien. According to the papal secretary, Loris Capolvilla (one of the oldest Catholic bishops in 2012), Pope John XXIII would have had contact with a friendly alien in the gardens of the papal summer residence in Castel Gandolfo.

The incident happened in July 1961 when John XXIII walked into Capolvilla. After walking a few minutes there, both observed a strange object in the sky oval emanating a bright light-colored blue and amber. The ship remained in the air for a few moments before landing on the lawn. Then, a being with human form surrounded by a golden aura and elongated ears left the spacecraft.

The Pope and his secretary knelt, even without knowing exactly what they were seeing, and began to pray believing that it was a phenomenon or heavenly miracle. After a moment, the Pope decided to approach the creature and began talking to the stranger. This conversation lasted about 20 minutes. After the confab, the Pope returned to meet with the secretary and confided to him the following message: "The children of God are everywhere though, sometimes have difficulty recognizing our own brothers." He then declared that he would talk more on the subject and John XXIII never revealed, not even to their most loyal employees the unusual event.

In recent years, Vatican officials commented on the high probability of the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life or, indeed causing controversy even among the religious. One of these statements came from the director of the Center for Astronomical Observations Vatican, José Gabriel Funes, in an interview with the official newspaper of the Holy See, L’Osservatore Romano, said that not only exists but that extraterrestrial life would be the work of God. Reportedly one of the few members of the Summit of the twentieth century Vatican formally initiated into the mysteries of the esoteric tradition.

The Pope showed how far he was allowed to, information regarding the Third Secret of Fatima, and prophesized future events of a political nature and cosmic, including the predicted death of President JF Kennedy. The Italian writer Pier Carpi (1940-2000), who wrote about the secrets of Count Cagliostro also held up the unofficial biography of the Pope prophet. Carpi would have had access to this data through a mysterious source, though undisclosed.

The mysterious Eugenio Siracusa (1919-2006 – Italian mystic, reportedly contacted by aliens from childhood), would also be responsible for the safekeeping of certain documents that would have been shared with Carpi. John XXIII had left, the esoteric order to which he belonged, texts containing a series of prophecies. Some were posted by Pier Carpi, and others remain secret. About the mysteries of mankind and the aliens, the Pope reportedly said: “Rolls will be found in the Azores. Will speak about ancient civilizations and teach men about things long past. rolls will talk about things of heaven. Signals are increasingly numerous. lights of heaven are red, green, and blue. Someone comes from afar and wants to meet men on Earth. Meetings are already happening.“ Lon

Pope John XXIII: A Spiritual Biography (Lives & Legacies)

A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact



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Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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