"The best way I can describe this thing is when you take black and white Play-Doh and mix it together into a streaked, vaguely humanoid-shaped Gollum."
I received the following account:
“In my late teens to my thirties, I would frequently go ghost hunting with my friends. This particular incident happened around 2018 and my idea of ghost hunting was going into creepy places and looking for ghosts. No equipment and no plans. Just us being stupid. We rarely even remembered to bring flashlights. The group consisted of myself and my three best friends, one of whom had brought along his girlfriend who in turn brought along her best friend.
The six of us had begun investigating an old abandoned and very unsafe barn and hence succeeded in nothing more than freaking out the two girls. One of my friends suggested an old ruin we knew of so we went back to check it out.
We arrived at the old ruin which was out in the middle of nowhere in Southern California's High Desert at midnight. The guys all got out of the truck. The girls refused to get out. We immediately spread out. The three other guys moved off to their right to explore the perimeter of the property while I headed straight for the ruin. The ruin was easily identifiable by the light of the full moon. All that remained were three-foot-tall cinderblock and rebar outline of a building on a slightly raised cement slab surrounded by rubble. It hadn't been a large building by the look of it having a short central hall with two rooms on either side.
No sooner do I step foot on the threshold of the building do I look up and see something. The best way I can describe this thing is when you take black and white Play-Doh and mix it together into a streaked, vaguely humanoid-shaped Gollum with a round head. I watched this thing, visible only from the waist up, glide smoothly from left to right just outside the far side of the ruin. As it reached the far end of the building I calmly did an about-face and walked back to the truck. I wasn't scared. I didn't panic.
Until recently, I just accepted simply that the sight of this thing had just overloaded my mind and my understanding of the world, and had simply seen enough. As I reached the truck I realized that both girls were gazing past me towards the ruins with eyes the size of saucers. Though there was nothing there when I turned around both girls in unison described the exact same thing I had seen and claimed it was standing in the exact same spot on the threshold where I had just been when I saw it. There's not much else to say except the girls and I waited in the truck until the others back came.” I