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Friday, March 21, 2025

BLACK-EYED MAN: 'Sir, I have lost my dog, can you help me?'

This gentleman had the blackest eyes as if there was just an empty vessel standing in front of you that was just lifeless. Blank expression. No emotion. Just morbidly dead and black.

The following account was forwarded to me:

“This was about 12 years ago. As I originally stated, I'm a truck driver. I'm up here in Connecticut. I'm a grocery hauler and I had taken a particular load out to Hawley, Pennsylvania one year. I was up on I-84 and it was about 2:30 or 3:00 o'clock in the morning and I had to pull over and do a friendly visit on the side, a little rest area. So as I’m pulling in I see there's no one there. I pull parallel to the parking space itself. I take up this entire area and for us parcel drivers, our outdoor bathroom is between our truck and the trailer. So I got out. I left the truck running. I turned my headlights off, so I had all my running lights going on at this point. I exit the truck.

I get to the passenger side between the tractor and the trailer and halfway through I feel a tap on my shoulder and it startled me. I leaked all over myself. When I turned around there was an older gentleman. He had asked me, "Sir, I have lost my dog, can you help me?" And I said a few syllables towards him, you know, "You scared the heck out of me" and I said, "Hold on a minute." So I flipped, zipped, and I turned around and this gentleman's gone. Literally, within seconds, I can't see him. It's dark out - 3:30 in the morning. And I’m looking around and I break the driver's blinker on there, being so frantic, trying to find the headlights. I turn the headlights on and, lo and behold, there is this old man who is standing right in front of me about 10 to 15 feet directly in front of my tractor.

His eyes, that is what I focused on first because it was like something I had never seen in my life before. This gentleman had the blackest eyes as if there was just an empty vessel standing in front of you that was just lifeless, man. Like a million-mile stare and just right at you. Blank face. Blank expression. No emotion. Just morbidly dead and black. And the moment I saw that, boy, I got out of there, needless to say. I got the hell out of dodge. I'm sitting there, man, and I’m shifting and grinding and chirping, skipping all sorts of crap for my gears. Finally, I got out of there. I'm panicking. All sorts of weird crap is going on and I had about an hour to get to my stop.

I get to the store. The gentleman sees that I’m terribly disturbed, something's on my mind. He said, "Boy, what is your deal? You act like you done seen a ghost, your looking around the corner before you enter a room and all sorts of crap. What are you doing?" And I said, "You know what man, this may sound very strange to you but I really gotta get this off my chest." I'm not the kind of individual to go and share this type of stuff, you know, this is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me but I gotta get it out. So I go and tell him the same horror story and towards the end of it, he's actually kind of chuckling and I’m finding this kind of disturbing so I said, "What is your deal? This ain’t funny, man." He said, "Hey, by any chance, did you happen to see, when you were at that rest area, when you look down that cliff, down that mountain, there's all those lights on, like a little village?" I said, "I wasn't sightseeing man, I was literally here for a reason, not a season."

Then he tells me, there's a little tiny town down there and that's where he grew up. When he was a child, this was before I-84 came through there, the top of this mountain was a summit called Prospect Summit or whatever. So this gentleman grew up down there. People used to go to the top of this mountain and have picnics, what have you. There's a couple of picnic tables up there, I guess, that were up there. And I guess one year a man had gone up there with his dog and they got trapped by a really bad storm. And they got forced to come back down and unfortunately, they got caught up in a mudslide and I guess he perished, and the dog. They ended up... they lost their lives. That was the end of that. And I’m not the first person that has come up with this same experience of this man asking for help, you know, from people who are at the rest area at a certain time of the day.

And that's my story of a black-eyed grandpa. Needless to say, I’ve never gone back to that area. I don’t plan on it. I came back down that day and I told dispatch, don't you ever ever send me to this store ever again or you can have my key and badge. They had asked me why and I told them briefly what happened and they thought it was very comical but I didn’t. That's my story.” N



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Thanks. Lon


If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map




The Serpent's Key • 28 Carlisle St. HANOVER, PA 17331






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Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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