; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Are Our Moon's Gravity Flux Zones the 'SARGASSO SEA' & 'BERMUDA TRIANGLE' OF OUTER SPACE?

By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” author of the internationally-acclaimed “Venus Rising” book series (Terra Alta, WV:  Headline Books, 2015-2024), available on amazon.com

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

The Vast Venus Conspiracy

Lady Columba Venus Revelations

Flying Saucers and the Venus Legacy


Why is the lunar surface cluttered with the wreckage of alien spaceships?

 The Moon is a Crashed ET Spaceship Graveyard!

In one of the Apollo 16 mission’s orbits around the Moon in April 1972, this crashed space vehicle was photographed about 3 kilometers from the rim of the Guyot crater.  A NASA spokesperson tried to explain it away as an expended “booster rocket,” but photo analysis shows the object to be some 2.5 kilometers in length.

In this article, P&M columnist “Cosmic Ray” explains how mass concentrations of iron ore beneath certain areas of the lunar crust create gravity flux zones, causing problems for any spacecraft in orbit around the Moon.  ETs unfamiliar with these zones have probably crashed their spaceships on the Moon in these areas, making our natural satellite a “Sargasso Sea” or “Bermuda Triangle” of outer space.

History records that astrologers and astronomers in the 12th century witnessed a huge object strike the Moon.  And for the past 900 years it has been assumed that this celestial collision was responsible for the creation of the lunar crater that has come to be known as Giordano Bruno.

During the so-called Dark Ages, the monks were responsible for the preservation of all scientific knowledge in Europe, including astrology and astronomy, which at the time were supposed to be a unitary field of research.  And during the Year of Our Lord 1178, on 18 June, five monks in Canterbury, England, took note of what appeared to be “fire, hot coals and sparks” bursting from the Moon.  They assumed that something big must have hit our planet’s natural satellite.  

What did the monks see?  Until most recently, many astronomers speculated that the well-chronicled event coincided with the formation of the lunar crater known as Giordano Bruno, supposedly the youngest substantial feature on the Moon’s surface.  But the popular idea no longer holds up under scrutiny, at least according to Paul Withers of the University of Arizona at Tucson’s Lunar and Planetary Observatory.

When you look at the Moon on a clear night, the crater in question can clearly be seen with the naked eye as a huge white spot in the upper left quadrant of the sphere.  But if this crater was formed in 1178, claims Withers, the impact would have triggered a “blizzard-like, week-long meteor storm” on Earth.  Yet, no record of any such storm during this time frame exists in the astrological and astronomical chronicles of Europe, China, Arabia, Japan, Korea, or the Amerindian empires.

Such a collision as formed the crater should have launched ten million tons of ejecta into the Earth’s atmosphere in the week that ensued.  The meteor storm that should have accompanied this event would have far surpassed even the famous Leonid Meteor shower of 1966, where over 100,000 meteors per hour were recorded in some locations of the Earth’s atmosphere.

According to Withers, such a collision in 1178 would have caused meteors that “were very bright, at magnitude 1 or magnitude 2.  It would have been a spectacular sight to see!  Everyone in the world would have had the opportunity to see the best fireworks show in history.”  Yet, not a single 12th century observer of any kind reported any such storm.

So, what did the monks at Canterbury really see?  Did an alien spacecraft crash into the Moon?  With the Apollo space program NASA scientists discovered tremendous magnetic variances under the lunar surface.  They speculated that these variations were caused by the presence of large nickel or iron ore deposits.  The gravitational pull on the command module was so great over some parts of the Moon as to cause the Apollo crews to alter their orbital path projections several times throughout each mission, igniting boosters to make the needed course corrections.  Not being so familiar with such lunar hazards, alien space probes or scout craft in the vicinity of the Moon could have easily crashed on the lunar surface on numerous occasions in the past several billion years.  Is the Moon the equivalent of a “Sargasso Sea” or “Bermuda Triangle” in our sector of the Milky Way galaxy?

(Editor’s Note:  Dr. Raymond Keller will be one of the featured speakers at the Northern California Mutual UFO Network convention in Burlingame, California, 4-6 April 2025, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, not far from the San Francisco International Airport.  He’ll be presenting his latest book, The Real Resident Aliens.  Come out and meet Cosmic Ray in person and say hello! - Lon)



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If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
Available on Amazon.com
San Francisco Book Festival Honorable Mention
New York Book Festival Honorable Mention


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