Reader Information

Wednesday, March 19, 2025


"They stared at me and never blinked. They both had two small holes in their nose, very small mouths, no lips and I couldn't see any ears."

I received the following account:

"The year was 1970. I worked for Caltrans as a right-of-way agent for the State of California. I was taking some legal documents over to Bakersfield to have a County Judge sign. I was traveling on Route 58 west of Mojave towards Bakersfield and East of Tehachapi in my 1957 Chevrolet state car. A state highway maintenance crew was repairing the westbound lanes. Traffic was stopped in these two lanes for up to 15 minutes. I pulled right, off of the highway to a dirt and gravel turnout and backed up to a low-level brush and rock area with no dirt roads behind me.

I sat in the car for a few minutes and decided to take a look at the documents I was taking to Bakersfield for the Judge. Before I got the documents out, I noticed something in my rearview mirror and turned to see what it was.

I was amazed to see a vehicle directly behind my car with two individuals wearing gray-white suits. Mine was the only car on the turnout. No car could have possibly gone around the front or the back without me seeing or hearing it. There was no sound at all.

I continued to look directly at the car and individuals through the back window. The car was maroon with a dark top; the grill looked similar to an older Buick. The license plate was light in color with no discernible markings.

The two individuals in the car as stated wore jump-type suits with no buttons. They were slender with no visible hat or hair and their bodies appeared to be smaller than the average-sized man. Their eyes were very dark and semi-oval; little larger than a normal human. They stared at me and never blinked. They both had two small holes in their nose, very small mouths, no lips and I couldn't see any ears. Nor could I see their arms due to their car hood hiding over half of their bodies.

After a few minutes of staring at each other, I noticed light traffic starting to move slowly again on the highway to the West. So, I drove from my parking area to the paved highway heading towards Bakersfield again.

The highway's westbound lanes were now open to the public. I was driving at about normal speed in the right-hand lane, just west of where the State construction was. Looking to my left I saw a maroon car driving at my speed, parallel to me with the same individuals I had seen at the turnout. The driver looked continuously to the front. I immediately noticed that he had no nose and he was bald. The passenger in the car was again staring directly at me. We drove parallel to each other for about 15 seconds.

I didn't know what to do, so I waved my hand at them as if to say goodbye. They immediately sped down the highway and disappeared around a moderate curve to the right. I sped up to try and see the maroon car again but it had disappeared. There were rather steep rock cliffs on the right side and no place to turn off the highway.

The next day driving from Bakersfield to Bishop, I stopped at the same turnout of my first encounter and went to the same spot. I saw my tire tracks from the previous day but saw no other tracks behind mine. Wow!!

As you might deduce I've never breathed a word of these happenings for decades to anyone for fear of being ridiculed. I've mulled over this experience many times over the years.

This is my true story of a very strange, mysterious, and profound event." N



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Thanks. Lon


If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map




The Serpent's Key • 28 Carlisle St. HANOVER, PA 17331






Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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