"I was lying in my bed I woke up and saw the Peanuts character Charlie Brown walking in the door of my room. He was very tall and sort of floated."
I received the following account:
"I was wondering if I should request an investigation into something I encountered many years ago. The event occurred in 1972. I was between 8 years old. I was living with my family at 15 Greencroft Ave, Staten Island, New York. I awoke sometime after 11 pm. I know it was after 11 pm because my parents were sleeping it may have been after 11:30 pm because they were watching the evening news. Our bedrooms were on the second floor of the house.
I was lying in my bed I woke up and saw the Peanuts character Charlie Brown walking in the door of my room. He was very tall and sort of floated. His head rocked from side to side and his head grew larger like a balloon being inflated. His head became very large then suddenly his whole body including his head shrunk very small in mid-air. Then I saw the tiny speck buzzing around in circles like a house fly but very quickly and the buzzing noise was a bit louder than an insect. It lasted only a few seconds. The speck then darted to the corner of the room nearest to my bed and into the floor at the corner where the walls and floor intersect.
I jumped out of my bed and clawed with my fingertips at the carpet trying to find the speck. I feel as if I were trying to chase it and I knew I could not catch it because it was shrinking smaller and smaller. I read people described ships folding into themselves or shrinking out of sight. There was no spaceship in my room. What I saw took on the appearance of the cartoon character Charlie Brown. I believe now it may have been a Grey alien." N