; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, mars 05, 2025

ABDUCTEE Continues Contact With 3 ALIEN 'MESSENGERS'

"What is the point are the messages I received. These beings come to me when I’m in bed but I feel them all the time and can get messages from them almost anytime."

I received the following account:

"Hello, friend. First off, I am an abductee. I can’t write about the technology they had because it’s not the point nor important according to the beings. What is the point are the messages I received. These beings come to me when I’m in bed but I feel them all the time and can get messages from them almost anytime.

I have come across three beings at different times. There is this guy with white, curly clean shiny long hair. He has bigger eyes than us, but the pupils are grey with white on the outside.
 He wears a white cap, and his uniform is also white with gold trimming on the shoulders chest, and neck, and by the ribs. He has some kind of marking on his forehead, but it has a light on it so I can really see it. He has a staff that looks like wood. When he sticks it out towards me I can see he has a ring on his finger. It's silver with a grey sphere. He also has what looks like a white arm strap or armband. This armband has silver spheres or small domes going around it. He is very strong. I can see his arm muscles. He also has a glow or light behind him. There is this guy with white curly, clean shiny long hair. He has bigger eyes than us, but the pupils are He tells me basically to worry about my soul, to work as much as I can on my soul, to be as nice and kind and helpful as I can be, and to change for the better. He tells me not to worry about worldly things. He says it’s just a distraction from my goals. I have to stay focused. To be as pure as I can be. To talk and reach out to all who will listen.

The second man I encounter is younger. He has long brown curly shiny hair clean looking. He also has a light behind him and on his forehead, he also carries a wooden staff, and he is not as big muscle-wise as the white man. He has a grey uniform with gold trimming on the shoulders chest neck and ribs. He was tall. He had brown eyes. He also has a cap. This man talks more openly with me, he just gives me ideas or suggestions or thoughts he is not as firm as the white man. He just gives suggestions or thoughts and ideas.

The third being I encountered was a female. She had long blond shiny hair. It was not curly, it was straight she too had light behind her and on her forehead. She also was wearing a cap. Her uniform and cap were a tan color with gold trimming on the shoulders chest and neck and by the ribs. She also had a wooden staff. She had blue eyes. She was tall. She seems to be a messenger or maybe a transporter? Or to get info from one being and give it to another, so it seems. When she approached me she had her staff out then dropped her head. She then lifted her head and with both arms stuck her staff out to me horizontally as if bushing towards me. She then dropped it a little bit, then suddenly pushed it into the air and began to spin her staff around really fast t to the point where I almost didn’t see it, when she was done what looked like a star map or a galaxy appeared above her, I could see the map I don’t know much about stars or maps or anything like that but I remember it somehow, she then pointed to a place on the map then to another with a few second pause she pointed back to her original place.

I think it’s the “star map” I saw. I based this on this because when she pointed the first place she pointed to was almost on the outside of the star map and the second place she pointed to was almost but not in the middle of the map." K



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Thanks. Lon


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Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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