; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Monday, March 24, 2025


The following accounts describe a few strange and unusual encounters with cats. Do you have an unexplained encounter or interesting sighting? If so, contact me.

“My dad got mad and kicked me out one night. It started getting cold so I slept against a barn. I woke up to something touching my leg. It was a cat. Well, it slept against me. Then five more came from the bushes in the woods and crawled up and slept on me, keeping me warm. One of the cats went back into the bushes and started bringing her kittens out and placing them on my lap, like four so I was covered by cats and kittens. The next day I got up and started leaving. The girl cat carried her kitten with her and when I got home she followed me and placed it on my doorstep. I gave her milk and went in. The cat started scratching and making noises until I came out. When I did, she picked up the cat, brought her to me, and walked away. I kept the kitten and the mamma cat would sit on my outside window sill and look in the home watching us. Then, when I'd come out, she'd leave.

The kitten got big enough to go out and I'd let her but she never left the front yard. The mamma would come and lick her and then return to the woods. I don't know what it was but the kitten didn't meow or anything. It would make a sound that sounded like my name, 'Wade.' Then it would use its paw to tap me if it wanted anything. The cat lived for two years and then walked out to the woods where it walked off with the cat that looked like its mamma. I hadn't seen it in two years and it left forever.

The next morning there was a scratch on the door and a kitten was there. It looked close to my old cat and in the bushes was the old mamma cat looking. I picked it up and it (mamma) walked off. Two years later, I see the old cat or one really close to it on the window sill but it would leave when I come out. Is this weird or do cats bring more to you like storks? The kitten didn't meow but made the 'Wade' sound and it would tap me also. She slept in the same spot even though I got her a new bed in another room, she'd crawl, dragging my old cat blanket to my dresser, place it on it, and sleep. Weird or what? Another important thing I forgot is that it would get my attention and look me in the eyes and hold it there like it wanted me to know something so bad but couldn't tell me. It hid my keys when I used to drink like it didn't want me to drive. It hid my cigarettes because, I guess, it did not want me to smoke. She'd place them in a litter box that she hated to use. She would go on the little flower bed by the front door, same as the other they were like twins almost reincarnated. That's the best way to say it, it was like the same cat and it wanted me to know it never left. She would put a picture I had of the old cat and me on the couch and I'd put it on the counter and she'd move it back until I put it on the dresser where she slept and she was so happy.... I never saw anything like it.

People say cats are dumb but they're not. They're thinking and have a soul (or a memory of a past). I don't know, I'm lost over it. We're connected by something like fate.” J


“I've had a strange cat experience I like to tell people because it's so unusual. One day while walking home late at night the same road I walk down every night. Two cats walked up to me and started meowing at my feet wanting attention, so I stroked them because it's sometimes irresistible. They were very engaging with me rubbing up against my legs and meowing like cats do. After a short while of playing with them, I looked up and saw a large number of cats, must have been about 50 no exaggeration. Everywhere I looked there was a cat, some sitting together on the short walls outside the houses, some more engaging at my feet, some stayed back on the curbs. I was just completely surrounded by cats! And as I looked down the road, more cats were walking up the road towards me. None of these cats looked like wild tabby cats. Those I could see had collars so they were domestic. This makes it strange because these cats are territorial and should be fighting with each other but not one catfight took place they were all getting along. I tried taking photos as it was an amazing sight to see but they all came out blurry but that could be blamed on the poor night light.” T


“My wife and I saw the same neighborhood catwalk thirty minutes apart. We were talking on the porch, nothing intense, just a couple stuff. The first time “Socks” walked by we both noticed his collar was broken, hanging loose like a red tie. I even commented that he was home from work and it must’ve been a bay day. We kept talking, neither of us moving, and when he came back from the same direction we both commented on how weird it was. He even came along the same path, which differs slightly from the norm. But this isn’t the only example of repetition... in common parlance, it is ‘a glitch in the matrix.' Very interesting that modern physics has a growing consensus that this reality may, in fact, be a simulation.” A



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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon


If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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