; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Experiencer Details His Ordeal After An Abduction by Several TALL GREYS!

While walking, the next thing I can remember was having my eyes closed and hearing this calm, relaxing, soothing almost hypnotizing female voice. Soon, I encounter the tall Greys!

I received the following account:

"Hello, friend. I am an abductee, and this is one of my abductions. It happened about 5 years ago when I went to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to visit my brother. Around 2 am I left his house and walked to a longtime friend's place who also lived in the city. It is only about a 10-minute walk. 

While walking, the next thing I can remember was having my eyes closed and hearing this calm, relaxing, soothing almost hypnotizing female voice saying, "Kevin. Kevin. It's fine. Kevin, we're here to help. It's OK, we're not going to harm you. We're going to make you feel better." Then my eyes opened up and at first, there was a blinding light, but then it went away and I could see the room. In the room were 2 Grey aliens who were very tall. I remember that there were 2 different colors in the room. On the top of the wall and at the bottom there was a trim around the room. The top color was purple and the bottom color was blue. It was a thin line of these colors trimming the room as light was coming from the colors.

I asked the aliens if they weren't going to harm me, then what were they going to do to me. They replied back, ''We are going to help you and fix you." Now my mouth wasn't moving when talking to them. The next thing I remember was a Grey on each side of me. They then put me up against a cold metal thing and it was moving with each of them on my sides. They took me to a hall to the left of the room. The hall was dark cloudy or misty like fog. The hallways must have been around 50 or so feet long. Before I got to the next room I could see to the right a formation of at least 7 to 8 Greys in a huddled formation. They were tall. There was an exit to another room next to them with a hallway the same as the white room. To the left in the room was a smaller group of about 5 Greys. The room itself was dark with a fog or a mist in the room. But it fog soon went away. There was also a dim light because I could see across the room. The walls of the room had a V-shape indent in each of them. The walls were not flat.

When entering the room I could smell a chemical odor, something like bleach mixed with ammonia. They brought me into the center of the room. I remember one of them was so tall he had to bend a little to look me in the eyes. What's weird is that at this point I wasn't really scared and it seemed hard for me to see their face at times. I was still standing up against that against the cold metal thing in the white room. Then, one of them put a hand on my nose and another one put this small black tube up my nose. The alien Greys had long fingers and a little mouth that moved in an up-and-down motion like a fish mouth, but nothing was coming out. I remember screaming after they did that. All the time I could hear the voice saying it's going to be fine, we are here to help in a soft calm voice as if they were trying to relax me, but I was scared.

The next thing I remember was the thing I was standing up against slammed down making this loud noise, so I was now lying down. They then brought me towards the left side of the room so it seemed. I began to get hostile and remember cocking my left leg back and kicking the alien to my lower left. The being stumbled against the wall and fell down. I clearly remember doing it and watching the Grey fly against the wall and slide down. The other Greys quickly backed off. From then on the next thing I remember I was on the side of the road again.

Right after, I was still dazed and confused. But I soon realized what had happened. There was a police officer who drove really slow right next to me and I asked him where the street was. He looked at me, he didn't say a word just pointed and stared with this nasty look. I had lost 3 or 4 hours, it was nearly 6 in the morning when I got to my friend's house.

I remember the odors in the craft; they were like bleach mixed with ammonia. The Greys were at least 7 feet tall, with long fingers, slits for mouths, and smaller black eyes. I was talking to them telepathically. I used to have a crooked nose but since the alien stuck that small black tube up my nose it's straight again. I remember the colors inside the craft white, purple, and blue. I remember some of their tech, such as a thin 7-inch black tube. The thing I was standing against moves on its own and is capable of quickly slamming down like a table or bed.

There are other accounts but this one sticks out in my head the most. Please I need help in this matter ever since it has happened. It has consumed my life completely and is all I can think about. It took me almost a year to go outside at night. I was so petrified. Every night before I go to bed I have to stare up in the sky. I am desperately looking for help and do not know where to look. I am reaching out to you in hopes you may be able to point me in the right direction. I thank you very much for reading my email." R

NOTE: The experiencer and I talked on the telephone recently. I'm not going to go into detail since there was a lot of private information, but he has dealt with several troubling encounters. Lon



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If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map




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Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
Available on Amazon.com
San Francisco Book Festival Honorable Mention
New York Book Festival Honorable Mention


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Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler

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EMPEROR NORTON I: San Francisco's Favorite Oddity

In 1859, an unknown, young, and failing San Franciscan businessman named Joshua Abraham Norton attempted to corner the market on rice after hearing of a famine in China. He lost everything he owned when a large shipment of Peruvian rice arrived in port unexpectedly, making his investments worthless overnight. This apparently unbalanced him enough that he declared himself Emperor of the United States (he later would add “and Protector of Mexico”) and for the next 20 years ‘til his death, he wandered the streets in full regalia, inspecting his domain. In January 1880 he collapsed on a street corner and died. Nearly 30,000 marched in homage to bury him and writers such as Mark Twain and Robert Louis Stevenson would eulogize his memory.

Before then he wrote a large number of proclamations, all of which were duly published in the state’s newspapers. In 1869 for instance he, “being desirous of allaying the dissensions of party strife now existing within our realm,” abolished both the Republican and Democratic Parties. Another edict was instructions for the countries of the world to form a “League of Nations.” Perhaps his most famous decree was an order directing the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to begin construction of a suspension bridge across the bay as well as a tunnel, both of which were actually completed 50 and 80 years (respectively) after his death (no thanks to Norton).

Much beloved by his fellow citizens, Norton I paraded frequently through the streets in elaborate blue uniforms with gold epaulets given to him by officers of the nearby Presidio with a beaver hat decorated with peacock feathers. Although routinely broke he ate at the best cafes in town; these restaurateurs then added brass plates above their doors proclaiming “By Appointment to His Imperial Majesty Norton I of The United States.” The brass plaques were much sought after and a huge boost to trade. One police officer in 1867 arrested Norton and tried to have him committed but this led to several blistering editorials in the newspapers and led to the police chief ordering him released and issuing him a formal apology. Norton then magnanimously granted an “imperial pardon” to the young police officer and as a result, all police officers in San Francisco thereafter would salute him in passing.

The 1870 U.S. Census records list Joshua Norton as 50 years of age and his occupation is given as “Emperor.” Norton I would also issue his own money to pay certain debts, typically ranging from 50 cents to $10 and these notes are now highly coveted collectors’ items. He also wrote numerous letters to the widowed Queen Victoria (none were ever answered) proposing marriage.

When he collapsed on the street and died in 1880 the San Francisco Chronicle published his obituary on its front page under the headline “Le Roi est Mort” (The King is Dead!) and sadly reported, “In the darkness of a moonless night and under a dripping rain, Norton I, by the Grace of God Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico, departed this life.” Most city newspapers likewise reported the news on the front pages in banner headlines.



Many of the “decrees” attributed to Norton I were fakes; written in jest by newspaper editors at the time for amusement, or for political purposes. Those “decrees” listed below were actually issued by Norton.

September 17, 1859 – Joshua A. Norton, who lost his money in an attempt to corner the rice market, today declared himself Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico.

December 2, 1859 – Norton I dismissed Gov. Wise of Virginia for hanging John Brown and appointed John C. Breckenridge of Kentucky to replace him.

February 1, 1860 – Decree from Norton I ordered representatives of the different states to assemble at Platt’s Music Hall to change laws to ameliorate the evils under which the country was laboring.

July 16, 1860 – Decree from Norton I dissolved the United States of America.

October 1, 1860 – Decree from Norton I barred Congress from meeting in Washington, D.C.

February 5, 1861– Norton I changed the place of his National Convention to Assembly Hall, Post, and Kearny, because Platt’s Music Hall had burned.

September 17, 1861 – A new theater, Tucker’s Hall, opened with a performance of “Norton the First,” or "An Emperor for a Day."

October 1863 – Death of Lazarus, Emperor Norton’s dog.

February 14, 1864 – Norton I arrived in Marysville to join the celebration of the opening of the railroad.

November 11, 1865 – Mark Twain wrote an epitaph for Bummer, the long-time companion of Lazarus.

January 21, 1867 – An overzealous Patrol Special Officer, Armand Barbier, arrested His Majesty Norton I for involuntary treatment of a mental disorder and thereby created a major civic uproar. Police Chief Patrick Crowley apologized to His Majesty and ordered him released. Several scathing newspaper editorials followed the arrest. All police officers began to salute His Majesty when he passed them on the street.

July 25, 1869 – Decree from Norton I that San Franciscans advance money to Frederick Marriott for his airship experiments.

August 12, 1869 – Decree from Norton I dissolved and abolished the Democratic and Republican parties because of party strife now existing within our realm.

December 15, 1869 – Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico left San Francisco to seek his yearly tribute from the legislature and lobbyists. He inspected the new capitol during the gala ball celebrating the building’s inauguration.

December 16, 1869 – Decree by Norton I demanded that Sacramento clean its muddy streets and place gaslights on streets leading to the capitol.

August 1, 1870 – Norton I was listed by the Census taker with the occupation of “emperor,” living at 624 Commercial St.

September 21, 1870 – Decree from Norton I that the Grand Hotel furnish him rooms under penalty of being banished.

March 23, 1872 – Decree by Norton I that a suspension bridge be built as soon as convenient between Oakland Point and Goat Island, and then on to San Francisco.

September 21, 1872 – Norton I ordered a survey to determine if a bridge or tunnel would be the best possible means to connect Oakland and San Francisco. He also ordered the arrest of the Board of Supervisors for ignoring his decrees.

January 2, 1873 – Decree from Norton I that a worldwide Bible Convention be held in San Francisco on this day.

March 18, 1873 – David Belasco made his stage debut at the Metropolitan Theatre playing Emperor Norton in the play “The Gold Demon.”

January 8, 1880 – Norton I dropped dead on California St. at Grant Ave. He was on his way to a lecture at the Academy of Natural Sciences.

January 9, 1880 – Headline in the Morning Call: “Norton the First, by the grace of God Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico, departed this life.”

January 10, 1880 – Norton I was buried today at Masonic Cemetery. The funeral cortege was two miles long. 10,000 people turned out for the funeral.

June 30, 1934 – Emperor Norton I was reburied in Woodlawn Cemetery by citizens of San Francisco.

January 7, 1980 – The city marked the 100th anniversary of the death of its only monarch, Emperor Norton, with lunch-hour ceremonies at Market and Montgomery streets.

"Whoever after due and proper warning shall be heard to utter the abominable word 'Frisco,' which has no linguistic or other warrant, shall be deemed guilty of a High Misdemeanor, and shall pay into the Imperial Treasury as penalty the sum of twenty-five dollars." - Decree by Emperor Norton, 1872


Le Roi Est Mort

San Francisco Chronicle
January 9, 1880

Last night at 8:15, Joshua Norton, universally known, and known almost only as Emperor Norton, died suddenly in this city. The similar death of the first citizen of San Francisco, or the highest municipal officer of the city, would not have caused so general a sensation as that of the harmless old man whose monomania never distorted at least a heart which was wholesome and hardly affected a mind which had once been of the shrewdest, other than in the method of his sovereignty of the United States and Protectorate of Mexico. He had started from Kearny Street up California Street, to occupy a seat in the rooms of the Academy of Science during the debate of the Hastings Society. Almost as he reached the East line of Dupont Street on the south pavement of California, he halted for a moment, then staggered forward, halted again, and then fell prone on the sidewalk. Wm. Proll, doing business at 537 California Street was going up California Street immediately behind the Emperor, saw him fall, and hastened to aid him. With the assistance of others who quickly arrived, the Emperor was placed in a sitting posture on the wet pavement and his back supported against the wall of the corner house. His speechlessness and his head fallen forward on his breast indicated to the rapidly gathering crowd, every one of whom knew him and knew him to be highly temperate, that something serious had befallen him and the police officer on the beat hastened for a carriage to convey him to the City Receiving Hospital. Speedily as the hack had been procured, when it arrived at the place Norton was dead.

On the reeking pavement, in the darkness of a moonless night under the dripping rain, and surrounded by a hastily gathered crowd of wondering strangers, Norton I, by the grace of God, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico, departed this life. Other sovereigns have died with no more of kindly care--other sovereigns have died as they have lived with all the pomp of earthly majesty, but death having touched them, Norton I rises up the exact peer of the haughtiest King or Kaiser that ever wore a crown. Perhaps he will rise more than the peer of most of them. He had a better claim to kindly consideration than that his lot "forbade to wade through slaughter to a throne and shut the gates of mercy on mankind." Through his harmless proclamations can always be traced an innate gentleness of heat, a desire to effect uses, and a courtesy, the possession of which would materially improve the bitter living princes whose names will naturally suggest themselves.

NOTE: you can find more on Emperer Norton at Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico and Emperer Norton Archives. Lon



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If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map




The Serpent's Key • 28 Carlisle St. HANOVER, PA 17331






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Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
Available on Amazon.com
San Francisco Book Festival Honorable Mention
New York Book Festival Honorable Mention


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Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler

© 2005-2025 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

Some Guests Loved DENVER'S OLDEST HOTEL. So, They Stayed!

"Of all the hotels in Denver, 'The Oxford' is the oldest and the most haunted. Reports of spectral visitations have mediums, ghost hunters, and hoards of curious flocking to this historic structure in search of evidence and experiences from the wild beyond. Some may find what they seek, (or at least believe they do), and others may not, but the truth is ghosts of the past fill this anachronistic wonder and they are all around. No special skills or equipment are ever necessary to visit with the spirits, just a pair of eyes and an open mind.

Built in 1891 by partners Adolph Zang, Philip Feldhauser, and William MyGatt, the Frank E. Edbrooke, (also designer of the Brown Palace), design withstood the test of time. When the hotel first opened, rooms cost only $1.00, ($2.00 with a bath), and guests easily made the short walk from Union Station just one-half block away. Later, an annex was added, the interior was remodeled and the Cruise Room Bar was built. After 1945 and the end of World War II, train travel declined and so did the fortunes of the Oxford. The entire neighborhood also declined and did not re-surge until the early 1980's. Today, the Oxford stands as not only a living museum of Western Art but also a portal into the past.

As visitors walk through the archway entrance, a transformation takes place. It becomes almost impossible not to feel the movement of days gone by and the passage of 117 years of guests coming and going. Just as beautiful, antique clockwork marks the passage of time, 19th-century architecture makes time stand still. It is easy to imagine when a fire maintained in the lobby fireplace warmed and welcomed guests. The ornate iron, the handcrafted wood, and the precise tile still evoke the sense of luxury that was status in the days of Robber Barons, gilded cages, and the Victorian ethic. A fine collection of oil paintings decorates the walls, antique furniture fills the halls and rooms, and various other forms of art from sculptures to artifacts are scattered just about everywhere one looks. Indeed, a stay at the Oxford is almost like staying in a museum as much as it is staying in a fine hotel. When it comes to décor, the Oxford has no equal. In fact, a few guests loved it so much, they refused to leave.

Reports of ghost visitations in Room 320 are the most prominent. I do not know what goes on in there. I tried to book the room, but there is a waiting list. If I were a ghost and every living soul wanted to sleep in my room, I would cause some ruckus too. There are also reports of ghost visits in the Ladies' Room downstairs, but, if you ask me, that might well just be the ghosts of some 19th-century adolescents still working through teenage angst. During my entire visit, I did not encounter one, visible ghost, or at least I do not think so. Instead, the entire hotel is a ghost from the past and maintains the spirit of everyone who ever stayed there. You feel it in the lobby, you feel it in the rooms, and you feel it as you wander the halls. There is no escaping the lure of the Oxford.

Are there ghosts at the Oxford? The mediums believe so, especially after a visit to the Cruise Room, and, after all, what self-respecting ghost would not want to stay in a hotel so nice? If I were a ghost, that's where I'd book my eternal stay. Yet, if you are still of this world and still seeking contact with the past, the Oxford is a good place to start. Maybe that's why so many people keep finding excuses to keep on haunting the place and making it Denver's Oldest and Most Haunted Hotel.



Enter Room 320 at your own risk!

Bridget Johnson blogged live during an 
investigation at the Oxford Hotel
 - 10/31/08

I'm blogging live tonight with the Colorado Paranormal Research and Investigations team from the site of what is reputed to be the most haunted room at Denver's Oxford Hotel. Check for updates beginning after 9 p.m., when we'll be set up and waiting for that darn guest who keeps ducking out on the room bill...

9:05 p.m. We're all getting ready for the watch! Room 320 is small, with an ornate little living room and the infamous bedroom in which a murder occurred way back when. More on that as our research team and history experts relate the story to the 10 guests assembled on the floor and the couch. "We have a good mix here," says a trio on the couch. "We have a total skeptic, a total believer, and somewhere in between."

* Intros have begun to a packed house, crammed in on cushions. Just introduced myself to the group. And historical expert is now telling the story of the Lizzie Borden murders and staying at the little ax-whacker's house.

* This room is known as the "murder room," he says. Historical expert Kevin Pharris, owner of Denver History Tours, is now telling the story. Calls the Oxford the most haunted building in Denver. One of the guests, he notices, is clutching the hand of her date. He tells the group that if anyone needs a hug or chocolate, they've got both!

* Notes that the Oxford used to just be a men's hotel, dating back to 1891, and only had one ladies' room. It went out of business and fell into disrepair. It was fixed up and reopened. Things began happening, he says, after the renovation, not before.

* There's apparently a ghost in the hotel who watches women when they use the bathroom. Gnarly.

* However, there's also apparently a girl searching for her canary in the attic. The Oxford, by the way, isn't allowing the attic tours anymore. They don't want the reputation as a haunted hotel, apparently. Yeah, nobody has Google.

* Now they're talking about gruesome Market murder stories on the record in the, well, Rocky Mountain News! "They would have page after page of the most lurid details," Kevin says. Now we have page after page of Campaign 2008. Which is worse?

* Maggie of the paranormal research group is using a puck that throws out random words based on the ambient temperature while Kevin is telling stories of Denver's sensational past of prostitutes getting killed a la Jack the Ripper. And, of course, the sensational details that the Rocky delivered at the time!

* The schedule for tonight, by the way, is until midnight. In for the long haul! And yes, part of that will be in the dark.

* More of Denver's salacious history. One in three Denver hookers having an STD, men fooling around, men fooling around and getting robbed and murdered while they were fooling around.

* Back to Room 320, where we sit! There was a double murder in the original bed here. It's the only headboard in the hotel that has a poem carved into it. Kevin can't find proof of it in the papers but says that doesn't necessarily mean anything because Mayor Speer was totally corrupt and could pay to keep things covered up. Wife and a boyfriend caught by hubby. No historical evidence -- we don't know who they are.

* Most people checked into this room aren't told about the haunted history, and most of the time nothing happens. But when it does happen, it's always the same. Only men who are staying alone are affected. Kevin takes the group into the bedroom.

* It's happened to about 25-30 men. Man will be laying here on the bed, sleeping, waking to a ghost at the foot of the bed, cussing him out, telling him to get out because he was corrupting a wife. Apparently, one male guest ran down in his boxers to the front desk. Kevin turns the lights on the guests. Another story is single men will also be awakened by bathroom lights going on and off quickly. Feels bed depressed on one side as guest feels someone lie down next to him.

* Maggie scans the spooky bedroom for baseline temperature readings, which will help in future comparisons:

* Now Maggie is talking to the group that's assembled in the living room again, getting ready to describe the equipment they use. First is a temperature reading device that sniffs out cold spots. Then a digital camera that allows for instant review of pictures. The gadget for the baseline temperature readings. Maggie notes that electromagnetic fields can often produce symptoms that make people think they're haunted, depending on their sensitivity. They use a K-2 meter to measure readings. Also has a Sony Handy cam with infrared; which helps her see in the dark.

* The "paranormal puck" is described more in detail. It is a laptop that a guy designed that incorporates temperature and EMF readings, etc., with the entire Webster's dictionary. That and another paranormal reading device keeps spitting out the words Betty and Veronica. One of the guests just suggests that the ghost really likes Archie.

* Maggie is now playing examples of EVP -- electronic voice phenomenon, voices picked up on recording when at other sites in the area. Some of the creepiest ones are from the Stanley Hotel. None of them, though, say "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." :)

* Now comes time to try to get EVP readings here in the room. Maggie lets the Halloween ghost-watching crew here listen to the recordings, watch the puck, monitor temp, and wander the bedroom with the infrared camera. now the lights are out and Maggie is asking questions of the alleged ghost to see if yes or no questions are answered.

* The electronic voice-generated thing keeps spitting out the words "remember" and "smell." Remember the smell?

* Earlier in the evening, the blog file that I'd started at the office became hopelessly corrupted -- you'll see on the first post that I had to start a new file. Now Maggie's computer has gone into capture mode without anyone touching the screen. She asks said alleged ghost if it's the one who's been messing with his computers.

* The electronic voice-generated thing keeps saying sorry. Sorry he offed his wife, or sorry he screwed with my blog?

* Some of the names it's coming up with are Larry, Seth, and Maddie. I Google these with Denver and Oxford Hotel just to see if any historical records come up. Nada. Maggie's efforts to coax any ghost to show itself are unsuccessful. One guy volunteers to go lie on the bed. Probably just tired of sitting on the floor in our cramped living room quarters.

* No scream from the bedroom, which is over my shoulder. My laptop screen is the only light, along with Maggie's laptop. She now demonstrates another tool that she doesn't especially trust with its lack of scientific proof, which scans radio frequencies really fast to search for words or sentences. Maggie opines that there's too much room for human error.

* Nothing much yet. Maggie asks the crowd if the tools she uses are a "little too much hack." She notes that ghost-hunting stuff "is up to your own interpretation and beliefs." She notes how the puck can be open to interpretation when the human mind is searching for patterns and trying to come up with answers.

* The lights are back. Whew. If it wasn't spooky, at least I was tempted to take a nap. Maggie says they'll analyze the video and voice recordings in the next few days and see if there's anything there. I also recorded the night on my digital recorder, just for kicks.

* No guaranteed ghosts, the guests are told.

* The guests are getting ready to leave, but Shawn with Denver History Tours is going to stick it out for the whole night. Stay tuned... I'm going to wrap up with Maggie after everyone leaves and get her impressions.

* The girl who was manning the infrared camera said that at one point the screen went hazy without touching the focus.

* Maggie says the evening went well, especially letting people know how paranormal investigations really go, but she's looking forward to reviewing the evidence.


After we left the hotel, Maggie and Shawn both agreed that they didn't get any sense of a haunting in the room. I agreed that nothing gave me the heebie-jeebies, even when the lights were out and the infamous darkened bedroom was over my shoulder. I listened to the recording I made of the lights-out session and heard nothing remarkable.

A friend e-mailed me this morning asking, "So? Did you come away with any changed views, one way or the other?" Hey, this is the opinion section, so here goes: Being a Catholic, I'm not closed to the idea of the paranormal. But like the Vatican needs a boatload of evidence before approving an exorcism, I go in a skeptic waiting to be shown the evidence. Now, some of the recordings Maggie played from other sites, like the Stanley Hotel, were pretty convincing. But nothing yet from the admittedly creepy Oxford.

NOTE: I received a comment from a reader several years ago who had stayed at the Oxford Hotel a few days after participating in an investigation at the Stanley Hotel. Her brief stay at the Oxford Hotel was, by far, the most frightening night she had ever experienced. She claimed to have heard voices of children and had her leg grabbed twice. Lon




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Bigfoot and Other Cryptid Videos on YouTube


If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map




The Serpent's Key • 28 Carlisle St. HANOVER, PA 17331






Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact us by email or call the hotline at 410-241-5974
Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
Available on Amazon.com
San Francisco Book Festival Honorable Mention
New York Book Festival Honorable Mention


This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0 United States License.

Registered trademark PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS ® / PHANTOMS & MONSTERS ® - USPTO #90902480 - Lon D. Strickler

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