; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, février 22, 2025

Witness Believes She Encountered 'WEREWOLVES' Along the Little Kanawha River, WV

A West Virginia woman states that she had encountered 2 'werewolves' near her property along WV-5 and the Little Kanawha River. Very harrowing incident!

I received the following account:

"One night, in the summer of 2022, I was out along the road that goes past my house. We are pretty rural area here, (along WV-5 which parallels the Little Kanawha River from Elizabeth to Grantsville) but the animals here are always the same. Until the late 1990's the State DNR let coyotes loose and in the early 1980's wild turkeys. Now they are releasing wild elk. Yet there are no sightings of these creatures. I have heard black panthers and even seen two kittens dead. At my friend's house, her dad had chased and treed the kittens, but the mother got away. To this day, West Virginia DNR refuses to state that black panthers exist in WV.

That night I saw something I never thought I would have seen. Two huge wolves that were bigger than anything I had seen before. I know people who own wolves and I have been around them. When they left on vacation, I even fed their pet wolves. So I know how big they can get, but these were no regular wolves. They were twice as big as me and they gave this eerie feeling. They walked off the hillside and came out of the foggy mist. Their eyes had this glow of yellow even before I turned my phone's flashlight on them. Yes, I had my phone in hand. Why no picture? Because I was scared! Scared stiff and was just able to look and see these two wolves with one being smaller than the other. Both were very skinny, hippy or one could say bony. Gray with black color markings around eyes and ears. Brown down their backs and gray bushy tails. Tail as long as my leg. The heads were way bigger than my own. Glowing yellow eyes looking right at me. Slowly walking past me. Both moving together and moving their heads when needed to keep me in view. Then they crossed the road and disappeared into the river bank.

Across the river on the hillside were coyotes barking and yapping. That was until those two wolves crossed the river to their side. Dead quite then. No noise at all. No bugs, no birds, no coyotes. When my heart started again, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. No wolves here in WV. Not here, that haven't been brought here as pets. These two were no pets! I think the smallest, the one closest to me, was a female. I also feel she protected me from the male, the biggest one. She nudged him to go on. I thank her for that. He would have killed me easily. They both could have one bite to my throat. It's not too often I venture out further than my yard nowadays. This property has many supernatural events happening here. But that night, I truthfully felt I saw a werewolf and his mate. 

I know what I saw and it scared me so bad that I have become afraid of the dark. Even on my own property that I grew up on. It has changed me in ways I can't explain. I have become more nature-minded. I worship nature and the power "She" holds. If it wasn't for "Her," I wouldn't be here today. I know those creatures exist and I give them a wide path to travel. Always respected and mindful of their presence." M



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