; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, février 26, 2025

Unexplained PURE WHITE HUMANOID Encountered Near Pikes Peak, Colorado

A couple made a trip to Colorado Springs, CO and later visited the area around Pikes Peak. The man encountered a white humanoid while trekking along the mountain.

I recently received the following account:

"This past winter, my wife and I decided to make the drive to Colorado Springs on the recommendation of a friend of mine. She'd never seen mountains before, so I figured the Rockies would be perfect. We stayed in a Holiday Inn that was right at the base of the mountain basically and had a great view of Pikes Peak as soon as we looked out the window. She was thrilled, she had never seen anything like it before, and she's a sucker for a gift shop, so this place was great. We had a great time.

On our second day there we decided to drive up to Pikes Peak, but we were told at the gate we could go up most of the way but the very summit was closed off because there was too much snow. We could still get really far up though. I think Pikes Peak is around 14,000 feet, and we got to like 11,000 feet before it was closed off. So we were up above the awesome clouds because it just looked like looking out over the ocean. We stopped at the little rest center on the way up to get hot chocolate for the drive and a magnet for Colorado since we collect magnets for every state we go to.

It was pretty cool because we had "Bigfoot crossing" signs along the way up, which was really fun to take pictures in front of. Anyway, once we got to the closed-off part of Pikes Peak, we parked our car, got out, and just kind of took in the view. I didn't think anybody else was up there with us, except the guy a little up the way sitting in his truck making sure people didn't go up any higher than they were supposed to. Even if we couldn't go to the summit, it was still gorgeous. We took some pictures, all of which were pretty terrible, and it was really cold. But I'd insisted we buy 5.11 jackets, pants, and boots for the trek, and my wife didn't understand why I demanded that brand (But if you're a dude... you know.) So we were pretty toasty. I wandered off and started looking around the rocks and what few trees were up at that elevation. I just like to explore stuff off the beaten path.

I heard some snow crunching nearby and assumed it was another sightseer so moved toward the sound of the crunching snow but didn't see anybody. There are a few trees here and there but not hard to really see. It was snowing a bit, however, and the wind was blowing the snow sideways. I'd gone pretty far from my wife at this point and didn't want to stray too much farther but I was honestly hoping to see a wolf or something. I found tracks in the snow and they were pretty small (The snow was kind of deep so I couldn't really tell what kind of animal made them, but it looked like it walked on all fours.) So I was really hoping to see a wolf.

I did not see a wolf. At first, I didn't see anything. I followed the tracks around a tree and kind of carefully peeked around it but didn't see anything. The tracks stopped there, though. I didn't get right up on the tree because if it was a wolf I mean, I didn't want to get face to face with it (I'll also say, I have no idea if there are wolves in the Rockies, I was just sort of hoping.)

What I did see, eventually, was a pure white 'thing' scurry away from the exact location I was looking. It was pure white. I'm not sure if it was invisible, or just blended in perfectly with the snow. It moved on all fours, had a huge bulbous head, kind of like the way you think of the typical version of an alien, and had a spindly body. Its arms and legs were super skinny, and its body wasn't a whole lot bigger. Its arms and legs themselves were really long. I'd say it was probably between 4-5 feet tall if it were standing upright. It was a bit hard to tell with it always on all fours, and in the snow. It turned around and took a look at me, and had really small, black eyes, and no defining features. Its eyes were really far apart and almost on the side of its head. Its feet and hands were buried but when it went to move I saw what its hand looked like. It had fingers that were way too long. Like, not ET long, but wiry, spindly fingers. It looked at me for just a second and then leaped forward away from me and as soon as it landed in the snow it was invisible again, or I just couldn't see it. Then it hopped again (and it jumped a good 6 feet or so from a dead stop) and took off running. It ran away from me and scaled some rocks in the distance like it was nothing and crawled along the cliffside. Whenever it was in the snow it looked invisible though. I'm not sure if that's because it was all white, or because it was like, actually turning invisible. Anyway, in a few seconds, it was gone.

When I got back to my wife, who was waiting in the car, she didn't believe a word of it and thought I was just trying to scare her. To this day she doesn't believe me. And I don't what it was. I've never heard of any cryptid or anything like it, and on the trek back down I asked the lady at the gift shop if people ever reported seeing weird things and she just mentioned bigfoot." D



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Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map




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Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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