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Friday, February 28, 2025


"My God, there's another one..." Lots of people were headed to the vocational-technical center, adjacent to Oil City High School to get a better view."

“There was a UFO landing in Oil City, Pennsylvania back on October 25, 1975. If you look that up online, you'll see several reports of this. You could do a whole show on this. It should have been national news. I mean it's bigger than Kecksburg or anything like that. I've never seen the coverage. I've never understood why it's never been looked into. Yes, in Calvary Cemetery behind Vo-Tech High School. Around 6:30 in the evening. October 25, 1975. We live a few miles from there. At the time we did.

My aunt called us. She was a CBer and she called and said 'There's people on the CBs saying there are UFOs, you know?' We all ran outside and as soon as we went outside, there they were, right over our house. We saw three of them. They were just hovering there. They floated like little soap bubbles, you know, towards the north. So we got in our car and went into town and there were all these police cars driving to where it landed. We followed the police cars right to the cemetery. And it was 60 to 70 people there. Some people were crying. Some people was just stunning. And there was this fog, like a mist and a smell, kind of like sulfur smell. Of course, when we got there, it had just taken off. We never saw it on the ground but we saw them fly over our house. There's a fellow who lives up there. I've been trying to for years, trying to get a hold of them but I don't know if they moved.

There's another guy, who worked at the radio station there in Oil City and he took pictures of it flying over the town. There were police officers. Should I mention their name? They're dead. They were there. It was really bigger than Kecksburg. We have an airport in Franklin. Franklin Regional Airport, which tracked these objects on radar. A funeral director talked to the newspaper. 'The Derrick' (local newspaper), actually had a story about it the next day. He said that eleven objects came in. They were moving at a high rate of speed.”


NOTE: This is a fairly well-known event that occurred in western Pennsylvania. There has been a history of UFOs in the general area. Below is a NUFORC report filed in March 2005:

Oil City, PA

Sighted on Friday 01. November 1974

Reported on Wednesday 23. March 2005

Shape: Unknown | Duration: 1-2 hours

Source: NUFORC

Bright lights in the sky separated by several miles moving in odd geometric directions--changing course instantly this was many years ago-- I was in high school at the time. My brothers and I were listening on the CB radio (it was big back then). We heard a lot of excited chatter from people saying, "My God, there's another one..." Lots of people were headed to the vocational-technical center, adjacent to Oil City High School to get a better view. So, my brothers and I climbed into our family car and drove up to look too. What we saw was clearly three to four bright lights in the sky, separated by many miles moving in odd geometric directions. Almost as if "dancing" in the sky. It was a clear winter night and the stars were vivid. There were hundreds of witnesses to this event. I have NEVER told anyone about this. It so impacted my younger brother that he actually returned to Oil City to interview people for a book he wanted to author. He has the original taped interviews from several police officers who saw more (e.g. saucer-shaped craft hovering above the Allegheny River). He also has the notes from several other interviews. My brother told me later after he began his research that the Air Force scrambled F-4s from Pittsburgh to investigate (I don't know if that is factual, however).((NUFORC Note: Witness indicates that date of the sighting is approximate. PD))



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