Today, February 28, 2024, I received a report of a winged humanoid sighting and encounter during a thunderstorm in the summer of 2019 in the city of Montpellier, France.
"Hello, Lon. I'm writing to you after discovering your website while doing research about the Mothman. I saw one in 2019 in the city of Montpellier (south of France) and I would like to share my experience.
It happened during a summer afternoon. There was a thunderstorm and I opened my windows to enjoy the sound of the rain. When I looked up, I saw a black human-shaped figure with wings, seemingly 'floating' right in front of me. The way it moved was so unreal that I was left mesmerized. Its movements were incredibly fluid as if it was floating to rise up in the air. At that moment, I couldn’t tell if I was looking at a man, a bat, or a demon. He floated above the buildings for a good minute and then he flew over the city and disappeared. I was living in the city center on a pretty busy street!
Since that event, I have spent many nights researching and reading testimonies, the majority are from the USA and I was wondering if you have any information about similar events that may have occurred here in France. Also, do you think there may be a link between thunderstorms and Mothman?
I also want to thank you for the incredible work you do. It's such a strange feeling to read people describing exactly what I saw! But it makes me feel less alone in this experience.
Thank you in advance for your help. Best regards, JM"
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