; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, février 24, 2025

Possibly TWO CRYPTID CANINES Encountered on the Same Rural Miami County, Indiana Road

"I have no idea what it was, and the skeptical side of me doesn’t fully believe these things exist or are possible but at the same time, I have no logical explanations."

The following account was forwarded to me:

"Dear Phantoms & Monsters. I had a strange encounter about 8 years ago up in Miami County, Indiana. I’m not even sure what it was or could be. But it is what I saw and what happened, even though I have tried to write it off as something logical for all these years, I just can’t explain it away.

It happened in February 2017. I used to work the 3rd shift at a warehouse. The main day shift supervisor was on vacation, so our boss on the night shift decided she wanted to leave early, so she let us sneak off about 2 hours earlier than our normal shift end time. So this would have been between 4:30 and 5:00 AM.

I was following a coworker on this county road, as the warehouse was on the outskirts of my small hometown. I noticed he hit his brakes, and proceeded to swerve off the road. I’m probably 1000 feet behind him and I’m thinking to myself, “What the heck is this dude doing?” and that’s when I saw it.

There was a tall, dark shape strolling down the middle of the road, in a hunched-over and swaying side-to-side manner. I have likened it to how one of those tall wind blower figures you see swaying at a car dealership moved. Very unnatural movements. It looked like a tall person wrapped in a large dark blanket or cloak. I had to hit the brakes and swerve too but I came to a full stop. Whatever it was, I couldn’t make out any features or characteristics. I saw a large torso with two legs. The upper half was hunched forward as if it was leaning like an older person would with a walker. Now at that time, I was driving a 1998 Ford Explorer and I’ve looked up the height of the vehicle and it lists it as around 67” but whatever walked past my driver's window was a good foot or higher than that, leaning forward. So I believe whatever was walking was over 7 feet tall at least. I could not see a head, or any arms, just a figure with legs walking. My taillights illuminated it as I started to drive passed it.

My coworker had pulled over into a parking lot a little ways down the road and I followed him in and you could tell he was scared. He was saying something along the lines of “What was that? It didn’t have a head!” Those words, among a lot of other things most panicked people say. We decided to drive back down and try to see if it was still there, and what it actually was. I drove in front and he was following behind. We came up to the general area and I noticed a large black animal lying in the middle of the road. It appeared to be a big black dog. Part of me knew this wasn’t large enough to be what was walking in the road but we had to stop because it was directly in the middle of the roadway.

I decided to get out and walk up to it, all the while my coworker was yelling at me to get back in my vehicle. As I approach whatever is lying in the road, it brings its head up and looks back at me. Its eyes are glowing yellow, which I write off as eye shine from the headlights, but it growls at me. So I stop dead in my tracks and just watch. This thing stands up on its back legs like a person but falls back down. It sits back up and hobbles off to the side of the road like a wounded animal that wasn’t able to use its front legs.

It looked like your typical German Shepherd/Wolf type face but its fur was puffy like a chow dog. It was a lot bigger than most dogs, but still nowhere as tall as whatever was walking down the road. I didn’t see any blood or wounds, so I can’t say if it was actually hurt or not.

My coworker got out of the car by this point after it had disappeared into the wood line. We discussed what the heck just happened. We got back in our vehicles and drove off. The next time at work, I mentioned what happened and our coworkers laughed at us, so the other guy who saw it told me if I don’t stop talking about it, he’s just going to deny it and I best just forget about it. So for 8 years I never told anyone up until recently. I have no idea what it was, and the skeptical side of me doesn’t fully believe these things exist or are possible but at the same time, I have no logical explanations. It sounds crazy, and I again would be highly skeptical had I not witnessed this myself." T

NOTE: I heard of a similar sighting/encounter in the same part of Indiana a while ago. I'm not sure if it was the same incident or not. Lon



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Thanks. Lon

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