A man in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan hears a nearby whooping sound and then, later that night, there are loud thumps on the outside wall of the house. Was it Bigfoot?
The following account was recently forwarded to me:
"This happened last week at my family’s homestead in the Keweenaw Peninsula of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (1st week of October 2020). I spent the past couple of weeks taking saunas and upkeeping my family's property.
On a Thursday night (October 8, 2020) I went outside of our farmhouse to relieve myself off the porch into the woods and my dog was out next to me. Right when I was done, a very loud and close-by 'whooooo-yup-esque' yell was heard by the nearby creek, maybe 20 yards away. My dog freaked and ran between my legs and ran inside immediately. I thought it was a cougar making a call to lure my dog out to attack since that occurs and was logical. But the noise freaked me out since it sounded very human, thinking that someone wanted to mess with me.
After we were inside our farmhouse upstairs laying in bed I heard a loud 'thump' against the house at the 2nd story height where the sleeping loft was. This happened twice and I thought maybe a tree branch hit the house in the wind. But it wasn’t windy. I eventually went to sleep. The noticeably other odd thing was it was absolutely quiet that evening and night. No bird noises, no nothing. And the dog acted in a strange way standing very close to me. Figured there was a cougar nearby and she caught the smell.
So then I listened to owl shrieks and cougar calls on YouTube and went down a Bigfoot rabbit hole. A lot of the occurrences in the general area pointed towards a possible Bigfoot. Interesting and kind of freaky at the same time." H
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