I was so shocked! I pulled the door wide open so he could see, and announced, "There's no one in there." Neither one of us could figure out where she had gone!
I received the following account:
“Here's a good one that I was not the only witness to! My husband and I were attending a motorcycle rally in Bandera County, Texas a few years ago. Neither of us was under the influence of anything. I had to use the restroom, so I found where the porta-potties were. I started to get in line, when a tall lady in khaki shorts, a tank top, hiker boots, and brown hair in a ponytail sort of cut me off in long strides and walked straight into the porta-potty I was headed for. The door slammed. I thought, oh well, I'll wait.
So, I stood just a few feet away anxiously waiting for the door to move because I had to go! The minutes ticked by. It was taking her an awfully long time. I continued to wait for a while, and then it just seemed ridiculous. I noticed that she had not turned the knob to latch the door.
I went up to the porta-potty and knocked, calling out, "Hello, are you in there, ma'am?" No answer. I stuck my finger in the crack of the door and pulled it open a tiny bit to see if she had passed out in there or something. My husband saw what I was doing, and he asked if she was in there.
I was so shocked! I pulled the door wide open so he could see, and announced, "There's no one in there." Neither one of us could figure out where she had gone! The porta-potty didn't have a back door. I was watching for any movement or sound so I could get my turn in there. It made no sense. She was too tall to have stepped out unnoticed and slipped away.
Was this a time slip or maybe a portal? Perhaps in some past year, there had been a doorway there to something else, like maybe a booth that served food. For whatever reason, she walked through my time to get to wherever she was going!” M
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