I received an email from a friend about a happening south of Iowa City around Muscatine, Iowa. The occurrence is from Thursday, June 17, 2016. I'm not sure if it's just pranksters or something else, but the following is what I got:
"Last night around 10:50 pm "George" was driving home and experienced something really creepy. He was driving along Hwy. 22, just before Hon Geneva, when he saw a strange, tall man, dressed all in black step out from the ditch onto the side of the highway. As George passed him, the man stepped out behind his car, into the middle of his lane and stopped and watched him drive off. (As George described, the man cocked his head to the side while he watched him drive away and his arms weren't down against his sides, more curved as if he were holding basketballs under his wrists against his hips. Maybe to appear stronger in stature.) He said his face was black too. Maybe painted or a mask, but he could not make out facial features.
A bit shaken, he continued driving towards home when a second man (clothed the same way and same demeanor) stepped out from the ditch just before Sweetland Road. At this point, George floored the gas and sped home. When he came in the door he was distraught. Listening to him tell me about his encounter scared me. I reported the men to the sheriff. Alan took George back out to look for the men but never saw them again. The sheriff called and asked to meet with George about this in the last month. There have been sightings of the same thing near Fairport. I am posting this because I want to warn all of you who live along the highway or drive along 22 at night to keep a lookout. Not sure what they are up to but it's creepy!
The other interesting thing is that I have a friend who told me a friend of hers had been driving a road between Iowa City and Solon (some years back) at night and had seen something standing alongside the road on the shoulder. Whatever she had seen had been big and had wings, and scaring her, she had driven on past, fast. Except about 3-4 miles down the road she looked up and saw the exact same creature standing again on the side of the road, also with wings--looking exactly like the first.
It seems too coincidental to have that kind of thing happen in two areas around one place. If it's not a hoax, it's definitely creepy." E
NOTE: These incidents were occurring around the same time the media first started reporting on the 'creepy clowns.' Lon
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