; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, février 25, 2025

My Encounter & Communication With ALIEN 'LIGHT BEINGS'

"I thought this was weird because at that time I didn't know that time is a concept exclusive to some forms of consciousness. I didn't know squat about aliens, much less these beings."

A reader in Georgia forwarded this second-hand account:

"I've never told anyone but my wife, Mom, and closest friends about this incident. If you know more about these entities, I'd love to learn more about them or what some people call receiving "downloads." This was hard for me to write, as I'm very anxious to tell others because I think I'll be called crazy/fake/etc. But part of me doesn't mind because this actually happened to me.

One late night I'm watching Netflix with my wife and she eventually goes to sleep. While watching Neil deGrasse Tyson's 'Cosmos,' a golden/yellow ring formed in front of me and there were 2 light beings inside the ring/portal. I had no clue what/who they were but I remember our conversation. One of the light beings, despite no obvious mouth or whatever, would speak in my head, which I didn't mind. It didn't feel invasive. The 2nd light being didn't communicate anything at all, but just watched curiously.

They said, "We are healers." I said, "I am [name]." (Used my real name. While I was shocked that this was happening in my home, I'm a very laid-back/chill kind of guy so I just went with it.)

They asked, "How are you affected by time?"

I thought this was weird because at that time I didn't know that time is a concept exclusive to some forms of consciousness. I didn't know squat about aliens, much less these beings.

I told him something I wish I could have changed my answer, but it was basically, "If I do something now, I would have done that something later." A terrible, weird answer, I know. I'm sorry. I didn't know what to say to someone like this.

They asked about how time affects my existence. I said "Oh. Well, I'll be dead someday, but not right now. I don't choose when I will die, but could I ask you a question?" They said, 'Yes.'

I had something in mind I wanted to ask because I was grasping the situation finally. I asked them what they think the meaning of life is.

They kind of hesitated, almost as if I was asking a silly question. Then I could feel an emotional caring sensation wash over me and they said, "To gain experience." That's all they said, but I could feel what they meant by that. My understanding or translation of what they told me with those 3 little words is that you must learn. Learn anything you like. Anything that brings you happiness. You must practice empathy, and that empathy is the first step to becoming more than just human. Empathy, learning, and experiencing are their answer to my question. Now, I think the caring washing over me was their way of saying, "Bless your heart you don't know/remember?" It felt like something I should have remembered? The description of empathy I could feel was different than what I understood it. Their definition felt like a natural part of their life and may have even been the basic step in how we were communicating via telepathy. But that's just me speculating what I felt, not what they actually said. It was weird.

They changed the subject on me and looked at my wife and said "Who is that?"

I said "My wife, [name]. She's asleep."

I tried waking her up but she didn't wake and when I looked back at the portal it had already started to fade out. Maybe I shouldn't have tried waking her up to meet them?

After that encounter, I started Googling anything I could about these beings and found a picture that very much resembles who I spoke to, but I don't feel like it's the same person. Is that weird? (below). Thanks for your time." W



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Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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