"It could have been extraterrestrial or it could have been some type of classified military ship. Also, no one else in the neighborhood ever mentioned seeing it."
I received the following account:
"This incident happened to my family in the mid-1980s. I wasn't born yet but I have heard this story from every member of my immediate family. This means that it is either an elaborate and well-orchestrated prank pulled by my entire family for the last 40+ years or they saw something.
I think a little background on my family is necessary. My parents are elderly and very religious, not the type of people who are into extraterrestrials or pranks per se. We're talking conservative, suburbia folk. So to me, it lends a little credibility to their story, because they don't really have the motive to make something like this up. Anyway, on to the story.
So it was a summer day in the mid-1980s and my entire family (Mom, Dad, Brother, and Sister) had just returned home from a family reunion in Northeastern New Mexico (we lived in the area as well). It was early evening and my brother and sister were out riding their bicycles in the driveway and on the allotment. Allegedly, while they were riding their bikes, they saw this big ship to the south heading north and kind of freaked out and ran to get my parents.
According to both of my parents, the ship slowly approached the house and it was enormous. It was triangular in shape and had windows and white lights all along the bottom of the craft. The weird part, according to my dad, was that the ship appeared to be metal (not a blimp) but it did not emit any sound which was strange due to the ship's massive size.
Needless to say, after they gawked at it for a minute or so, they all kind of freaked out and hid in the basement. Nothing really happened after. I don't know what the ship was and neither does my family, it could have been extraterrestrial or it could have been some type of classified military ship. Also, no one else in the neighborhood ever mentioned seeing it. Feel free to form your own opinions, but I'm not sure why they would be buzzing suburban homes with a top-secret military craft though." B
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