; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, février 26, 2025


A man in Guyana, South America observes a huge bioluminescent flying 'Man-Bat' while sitting on his porch. Is there a natural explanation for this sighting?

I came across the following account:

"I live on the east coast of Guyana, South America, in a village that's a very quiet place to live. Last night (October 20, 2020), while having some beers on my veranda, a close friend and I were just talking when I noticed a huge bat that was illuminated with a bioluminescent pale white glow. At first, I thought it was a freakishly large Chicken Hawk. That thought didn't last for more than a nanosecond when I realized that it was muscular, practically ripped like some steroid junkie from its neck to its toes. Its fur was thicker in the lines that its chest muscles created in the light near its huge flapping wings. It was larger than anything I had ever seen in the air that's not a plane (like a mini Cessna). It flew beyond the line of houses on the street towards an empty small block that's a ballfield (for sports, cricket usually). Its glow was something else. Its fur and even its wings were glowing (though less so for the tips of the wings). At first, I thought that my neighbor's LED lights were making it look so freakishly illuminated with that unsettling glow but it went past the light's threshold into the darker area all while looking like some kind of giant firefly on overdrive.

The closest image I can think of is Man-Bat from Batman but white and glowing. The wing tips were elongated like they had talons and looked a bit darker like they didn't have any fur however. The stretched skin between the tips was a pale pink. It literally disappeared after reaching a darker patch as if its glow could be turned on and off. There was no trace of it even after the darker patches which were illuminated by lights from the houses surrounding the ballpark. Even with its massive size it didn't make a sound. The place was quiet as hell too and it was close but its wings barely seemed to disturb the air/make any noticeable sound. I only saw it flap its wings once like it could glide with extreme ease since it crossed the street to the other block before my friend could properly react. He still got a glimpse of it though and was just as unnerved.

Its face was bat-like entirely, even with that definable curved/raised snout most bats seem to have and those large ears. Around my area, we do have Fruit Bats but they're all regular-sized. I'd estimate it to be larger than a Harpy Eagle and there's absolutely no possibility of one of those being out on the coast when they all prefer the mountainous hinterlands that are more to the middle/center of the country. I have seen those majestic birds a lot too, and even became friends with an extremely intelligent one while I volunteered at the local zoo as a kid with my sister. There's no possibility of me mistaking what I saw for one of those. Everything about what I saw was bat-like but huge with longer, more muscular legs and beyond anything I have seen in nature. The legs also did not look like small bat legs tapered to its wings and stretched out longer but seemed to bend at the point where a knee would be for a human with defined calves and rounded toes.

After seeing it I realized that many nights while gaming after 12 am I have noticed a silver flash through the windows that I thought was some weird trick of the moonlight (my room faces the backyard which is darker as there's lots of yard space between the houses and not many light sources to bounce off of/around). But I now recognize that unmistakable pale glow, like an Angler Fish or bio-luminescent snails.

Last bit, I was one beer in so no, I wasn't drunk. Hallucinating something that real and with the unmistakable details/movements of a live creature in flight is impossible for a 4.5% alcohol beer, it simply doesn't do that." S



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