; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, février 07, 2025

Friends Encounter RED-EYED, HUMAN-SHAPED BLACK BEING on Smoky Mountains National Park Trail!

"Squatted on the boulder was a solid black form, about 4-5 feet tall, with deeply glowing red eyes. It stared at us for a second, then vanished into thin air."

I received the following account:

"Back in 2012, two friends and I (we'll call them D and J) went to 'Look Rock.' It's a concrete observation tower at the top of Chilhowee Mountain in Blount County, Tennessee. To get to the tower, you park in a small pull-off and walk a paved trail half a mile up the mountain.

I've been up to this tower many times, and there's usually some kind of energy in the air. You can't see it, but you can feel it. It's like the woods themselves have acquired sentience, and they're just barely tolerating your presence.

Anyway, this particular trip was eerily quiet. Typically in the woods, you can hear woodsy sounds, cicadas, wind rustling in the trees, and the occasional animal, but this night was silent. Going back to my simile, it's like the sentient woods were terrified of something, and were paralyzed with fear.

The trip up the mountain was uneventful, apart from the general air of creepiness. We went up to the tower and sat there talking for a couple of hours.

Finally, around 3 am or so, we decided it was time to wrap it up. We began the trip back down. At the base of the tower, there are a couple of flattish boulders, about 6 feet or so in diameter, placed as decoration.

What I saw on the boulder was the start of a terrifying night. Nobody else in my group noticed but squatted on the boulder was a solid black form, about 4-5 feet tall, with deeply glowing red eyes. It stared at us for a second, then vanished into thin air.

Assuming my eyes were just messing with me, I reluctantly carried on past the boulders. The feeling of uneasiness followed us up until about the halfway point. On this trail, there's a point where the trail turns 90 degrees to the right (when going back down). The trail you're walking on continues forward, but it's just an ATV access for the rangers (this is in the Smoky Mountains National Park). About twenty feet or so before the turn, I notice an extra pair of footsteps. There were only three of us, but four sets of footsteps. I stopped and looked, and right behind J was a 7-foot-tall heat distortion, like when you look over a flaming grill on a summer day. It was vaguely human-shaped.

As with the form on the boulder, after looking at it for a few seconds, it vanished.

At this point, we double-timed it back to the car. They hadn't seen it, but they felt it.

Halfway down the trail, there's a spot where one tree has fallen into the split trunk of another tree, so it forms kind of a triangle against the ground. At the top of the triangle, the same crouched black form with deep red eyes. Again, it vanished after looking at it.

We made it back down to the truck, everything in our minds screaming 'RUN.' We hauled butt down to  Foothills Parkway until we made it back to the highway. From there, the trip was uneventful.

We dropped J off at his house and proceeded to D's house (about 15 minutes away). As I was pulling out of D's driveway, his phone rang. He answered it, turned pale, and flagged me down. Something had happened at J's house.

We booked it back to J's, where we found every light in his house on. We went in, and found him in bed, with a Bible in one hand, and a .45 in the other.

J's bedroom faces a streetlight. Also, in his room, he has a nightlight, a clock, and a stereo, all of which keep his room fairly well-lit. He went to bed, then the room had suddenly gone dark. He could still see the streetlight, the clock, the stereo, etc, and they were still it, but they cast NO glow into the room. He said he couldn't even see his hand in front of his face. He went on to say that something had put its hand on his throat and growled in his face, then left.

By the time we got there, it had already left. Just to be sure, we lined the doors and windows with salt (I had read somewhere that salt kept stuff away).

We never saw or heard from the thing again. To this day I have no idea what it was. We've been back to the tower several times since, but it's never been the same. The woods have always seemed quiet, and afraid." T





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Thanks. Lon

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If you have information about the Chicago Mothman or any other cryptid or unexplained sighting or encounter, please feel free to contact me by email or at 410-241-5974. Thanks again! Lon


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Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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