The phenomenon sparked all kinds of hypotheses and conjectures on social media, where stories about the mysterious figure multiplied. Are there witches in the region?
In the early hours of Monday, several witnesses claimed to have seen a strange figure wandering through different streets of Alto Valle, emitting disturbing sounds and moving unusually. The descriptions coincide in its disturbing appearance and the fear generated by those who witnessed the event. While some relate the presence of a witch, others believe it is a case of collective suggestion.
The phenomenon has sparked all kinds of hypotheses and conjectures on social media, where stories about the mysterious figure have not stopped multiplying. The uncertainty has led some residents to ask for explanations, while others try to find a logical justification for what happened.
The testimonies come from the city of Cinco Saltos, where several people claimed to have seen the figure near the Experimental Club, the Hospital, and the Ceferino Namuncurá cemetery. According to the information released, the strange presence moved through different points of the town before disappearing without a trace.
The sighting has sparked a wave of reactions, from those who believe it is a supernatural phenomenon to those who insist it could be a joke or a misinterpretation of lights and shadows in the night.
Folklore and urban mythology experts say that these kinds of stories tend to gain strength in contexts of uncertainty, where fear and suggestion play a key role. "Once a story spreads, the collective unconscious reinforces it with new details and more witnesses," explained a researcher of popular beliefs.
Meanwhile, some residents have requested more night patrols, and others have decided to avoid going out alone at night until the situation is cleared up. Although there is no concrete evidence to support the existence of the mysterious figure, fear remains latent and expectations are growing in the region.
Will the enigmatic being appear again or is it just another episode in the long list of urban legends of the Alto Valle? For now, uncertainty dominates the atmosphere and many are waiting for answers.
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