; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, février 25, 2025

CRYPTID CANINE PACK Chases Vehicle Near Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe

A Zimbabwean father and son are changing a tire at night near the Hwange National Park. They soon realize they are not alone and are eventually chased by a pack of cryptid canines.

The following account was told to an associate in South Africa:

"The encounter I'm going tell happened near Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe last year while a father and son where on their way to Bulawayo late at night. The son was driving as he had recently got his driving license. They were coming from a housing project the father had won the contract where they were surveying the land. Naturally, they were excited for the project, so the mood was extremely good.

As they were traveling along there was a loud pop and the car suddenly swerved to the side of the road. It was a blown tire. Luckily no one was hurt and the car wasn't too badly damaged. Where they had stopped was the middle of nowhere and seemed to be unnaturally silent.

They set about to change the tire feeling nervous for some reason. That good feeling had gone away. They had left the headlights of the car on to have some light. With the light that was there, they could see shadows moving around them and the car They started hearing heavy deep growling. The father kept his cool for his son's sake as he started freaking out "Just keep working on changing that tire" said the father and he frantically finished.

They got in the car they saw 4 pairs of goldish-yellow eyes just by the edge of the darkness. The son floored the accelerator and they sped off, but to their horror, those eyes started following them matching their speed. One of the creatures ran past the car only to reveal something they never thought possible. It was running on all 4 legs moving unlike anything they've ever seen. It looked at them and they saw the head of a wild dog but with large fangs. It was built like a lean-fit basketball player with well-defined muscles.

They realized in that instant that they were being hunted. He pressed the accelerator to the end praying and hoping that the car was fast enough to lose them. As the car passed the creature it suddenly and fluidly stood up to reveal that it was 7 foot tall and had hands-like claws. It reached out for the car before the car accelerated away from them.

As soon as they knew they were somewhat safe the father broke down and cried. It was a mixture of relief and shock." C



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Thanks. Lon

Noted UFOlogist Dr. Raymond Keller believes the idea of extraterrestrials and even ultra-dimensional beings from many different planets and alternate realms living and working among us clandestinely is more than just another conspiracy theory.
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