During a week-long hike along a mountainous Vermont trail, an unexpected voice from an unknown spirit makes its presence known.
I received the following creepy account:
"In 2005, I was leading a week-long youth group backpacking trip in the mountains of Vermont. At the last of the trip, we were in an enclosed shelter (4 walls, a roof, and a door) off the main trail. After dinner, the kids, for whatever reason, decided that they'd have a sing-along (completely out of character for them but whatever, we had a successful week). I set my digital camera to "video" and let it record the goofiness while they were singing "Hakuna Matata" and Weird Al's "Albuquerque" (all of it) and went to bed once they were done.
We got off the trail the following day and I set about cleaning my gear and wandering through all the photos and videos to put up my SmugMug site for the families to see. Going through the videos of the sing-along, I hit something I wasn't expecting. In the gap between songs was a deep, unnatural voice asking forcefully "DO YOU WANT TO DIE?"
It was not there during the singing because there's no way in hell they would've launched right into the next song without commenting on it. Lots of goofiness singing and that bit in the gap between songs. For extra fun around 2 am, one of the leader's dogs (normally the dopiest dog ever) stood up like he was gonna bite someone and started growling incessantly with the hairs on the back of his neck standing straight up. He would not calm down for anything and got a bit snappy when I tried to move him away from the door.
In the same time frame, said door into the shelter kept slamming open and closed as well despite it being a calm, moonlit night with no clouds to be seen. I tied the door shut and the dog slowly calmed down. I didn't get a lot of sleep that night, even less when I dug into the videos post-trip.
No clue what the hell was out there but something wasn't happy with a large group intruding into its space. Never had that or anything remotely like that happen again on any of my trips into the mountains." B
NOTE: Probably a restless or confused energy. Trails, especially well-established ones, tend to hold a lot of imprinted energy. If the conditions are right, they may manifest and show themselves audibly and/or visually. Lon
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