"Stingray-shaped flying creature. Bluish, maybe with some gray. I only had the lights from my car so color was hard to tell but 4 to 5 feet in width about 2 to 3 feet in length."
I received the following account:
"Hello. I saw something I'd never seen before or since. I was just coming home from work. It was about 3:40 am driving near the small town of Jordan, Minnesota. Driving about 30 mph a white stingray-type creature flying about 5 feet off the ground maybe 6 feet in front of my car swooping through the air almost like swimming. Since I was not going very fast, I got a good look at it.
Description: Bluish, maybe with some gray. I only had the lights from my car so color was hard to tell but 4 to 5 feet in width about 2 to 3 feet in length. Not much of a body but definitely an underside bulging out about 1 foot. I could not see any distinct head but I could hardly take my eyes off the wings. I've been all over the country and seen many species of wildlife and NEVER seen anything like this in the air.
I have raised river stingrays and have spent hours watching them. It looked like a frigging flying ray! If you have any questions or have anything to tell me about this creature please get back to me. I feel blessed to see something I had no idea was around. And if you have any pics of this being I would love to see some to be able to compare what I saw. Thanks for the site.
By the way, I forgot to mention it had no feathers but looked like it had a very light coating of fur like a short-haired dog. I hope this helps you and by the way, I have never seen your site up until this point. It is eerie how closely related the stories on your site are to what I saw. I'm almost shivering. Thanks again." J
NOTE: This sighting is just one of several that I have received over the past 2 decades. These unknown creatures do appear to exist. Lon
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